University of California's official guidelines for pest monitoring techniques, pesticides, and nonpesticide alternatives for managing pests in agriculture. More
Year-Round IPM Program
General Management in an IPM Program
Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates
Insect, Mite, and Other Invertebrate Management
- Aphids
- Codling Moth
- European Red Mite
- Fall Webworm
- False Chinch Bug
- Frosted Scale and European Fruit Lecanium
- Fruittree Leafroller
- Italian Pear Scale
- Navel Orangeworm
- Pacific Flatheaded Borer
- Redhumped Caterpillar
- San Jose Scale
- Southern Fire Ant
- Walnut Blister Mite
- Walnut Husk Fly
- Walnut Scale
- Walnut Twig Beetle
- Webspinning Spider Mites
General Information
Vertebrate Management
Supplemental Pages
Photo Identification
- Dormant Season Pests
- Natural Enemies of Dormant Season Pests
- Identifying Aphids—Budbreak Through Bloom
- Natural Enemies of Aphids
- Pest Mites
- Natural Enemies of Pest Mites
- Distinguishing Gravid Walnut Husk Fly
- Distinguishing Scale
- Other Pests in Bloom Season
- Other Pests in Late Spring
- Seasonal Pest Damage in Harvest Samples
- Husk Split Stages
- Perennial Weeds
- Summer Annual Weeds
- Winter Annual Weeds
More Information
- Fungicides, Bactericides, Biocontrols, and Natural Product for Deciduous Tree Fruit and Nut, Citrus, Strawberry, and Vine Crops in California 2022 (PDF)
- Herbicide Resistance: Glyphosate
- Herbicide Symptoms Photo Repository Website and Tool
- Mitigating Pesticide Hazards
- UC Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center
- UC Weed Research and Information Center
- Year-Round IPM Programs Video