About UC IPM

UC IPM Programs

UC IPM supports research and extension programs in integrated pest management (IPM). UC Agriculture and Natural Resources scientists adapt research for practical application, and Cooperative Extension advisors and specialists develop and deliver IPM programs to a variety of clientele, including professional pest managers, growers, residents, and agencies. UC IPM staff work with UC ANR scientists to develop "how-to" materials that help the clientele carry out programs and solve pest problems.

UC IPM develops and promotes IPM programs for:

  • Agriculture
  • Urban and community audiences
  • Natural environments

Extension programs
Cooperative Extension IPM advisors and specialists carry out adaptive research, package IPM methods into useful strategies, develop outreach materials, and deliver the information either to end users or to professionals such as county-based farm advisors or master gardeners who deliver the products to users. The major focus is to develop, adapt, and implement strategies that are already available or are being developed in cooperation with other UC scientists.

Currently, UC IPM employs CE specialists, full-time IPM advisors, and other Cooperative Extension advisors who are affiliated with the program. Some advisors are posted in county CE offices, and a coordinated, interdisciplinary cluster is located at UC's Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center near Fresno.

Outreach materials
To complement the extension programs, UC IPM staff members coordinate development of a variety of materials that explain how to carry out pest management tactics and strategies. Working with UC ANR experts, program staff produce and maintain an extensive array of print and Web-based publications, databases, training materials, and interactive tools for decision making.

Examples are the pest management guidelines and a home and landscape database of pest solutions for residential audiences, IPM manuals for specific crops, books about IPM in landscapes and gardens, a variety of books on pesticide safety, and an extensive weather database that supports interactive pest models.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
All contents copyright © 2016 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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