(Echinochloa crus-galli) Grass family; summer annual; first leaf dull
gray-green; stem flattened, purplish; no ligule.

Bearded sprangletop
(Leptochloa fasicularis): Grass family; summer annual; first leaves light
green, usually with white midrib; blades somewhat rolled; sheaths loose near
base of plant; ligule long, thin, membranous and tears easily.

Common knotweed
(Polygonum arenastrum): Knotweed family; summer annual; seed leaves are
long, very narrow, rounded at the tip and light green with a white cast; true
leaves are much broader, emerging from an encircling, membranous sheath at the
leaf base.

Common purslane
(Portulaca oleracea): Purslane family; summer annual; seed leaves oblong,
somewhat club shaped, succulent, maroon on lower surface, and green or maroon
on upper surface; young leaves smooth, succulent, oblong, green on upper surface,
maroonish underneath, and broadest around leaf tip, with short petioles.
Photo not available.
Fall panicum
(Panicum dichotomiflorum): Grass family; summer annual; the first leaf
blade opens parallel to the ground, is lance shaped to linear, and about 5 times
longer than wide; leaves are rolled in the shoot; ligule is a fringe of hairs,
collars are very hairy, and auricles are absent; lower leaf blade surface is
hairy, upper surface is without hair. |

Hairy fleabane
(Conyza bonariensis): Sunflower family; summer annual; seed leaves gray-green;
first leaves narrow and covered with short, soft hairs; often wrinkled or distorted.

(Conyza canadensis): Sunflower family; summer annual; seed leaves dull
green, oval with fine hairs, and with short stalks that sometimes may be tinged
brown-purple; first true leaves covered with hairs on upper surface and margins;
undersides of early leaves smooth.

Large crabgrass
(Digitaria sanguinalis): Grass family; summer annual; first leaf blade
linear to lance shaped, with stiff, jagged, and papery ligule; hairs on margins
of the collar wide; no auricles; leaves covered with coarse hairs; leaves rolled
in bud.

(Tribulus terrestris): Caltrop family; summer annual; seed leaves thick,
brittle, 2 to 3 times longer than wide; petioles pinkish; true leaves dark green
with grayish underside and rough margins.

Spotted spurge
(Chamaesyce maculata): Spurge family; summer annual; seed leaves oval,
tips roundish, blue-green with smooth margin; first true leaves rounded, leaf
surface smooth and dull, dark green with reddish tinge.

(Panicum capillare): Grass family; summer annual; light green to red-purple
and resembles crabgrass seedling but has slightly narrower leaf blades and longer
silky hairs with swollen bases.