Integrated Pest Management · Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Video library
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IPM for Subterranean Termites webinar
New Year New Pests: Invasive Pests in California, part 1
Bed bug prevention
Trapping of Invasive Shothole Borers
Management of Invasive Shothole Borers
Introduction to Invasive Shothole Borers
Plant Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
IPM for Rodents
Navigating the UC IPM Website and New Features
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): Identification and Monitoring in Almond Orchards
Monitoring Sixspotted Thrips in Almond Orchards for Spider Mite Control
Springtime Household Pests
What is IPM?
Monitoring and Sampling Trees for Invasive Shot Hole Borers
Soil Sampling for Nematodes in Walnut and Almond Orchards
Distinguishing between yellowjackets, wasps, and look alikes
How to remove dandelions
How to use bed bug detector
Finding and treating yellowjacket nests
Pests & beneficials
Alfalfa Pests
- Identification of parasitized alfalfa caterpillars (2:37)
- Sampling with a Sweep Net in Alfalfa (1:48)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Alfalfa Insects and Their Management in California (47:05)
Almond Diseases
- Ant inspection (2:14)
- Webinar: Controlling Ants around the Home (46:45)
- Webinar: Improving Professional Ant Control Services (49:59)
- Full video: Managing Argentine Ants Around the Home (19:49)
- How to effectively control ants (1:04)
- Refillable bait stations (4:39)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Argentine Ant Management in Citrus (1:23:04)
- Using baits (4:24)
- Using a Sticky Barrier to Prevent Ants on Trees and Shrubs (2:10)
- What to do if you have an ant emergency (1:08)
- Why do ants invade? (1:11)
- Aphid-Eating Insects in Action (2:19)
- Aphid identification and monitoring in alfalfa (5:22)
- How to monitor for aphids in plum and prune (4:00)
- Using a Sticky Barrier to Prevent Ants on Trees and Shrubs (2:10)
- Washing off aphids (1:31)
- Webinar: Aphids, Scales, and Mealybugs, Oh My! (51:19)
Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Detecting Asian Citrus Psyllid (1:00)
- Science for Citrus Health: Emerging Technologies to Manage Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) and Huanglongbing (HLB)? (1:19:30)
- Science for Citrus Health: Management of Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) and Huanglongbing (HLB) in the field (1:38:21)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Asian Citrus Psyllid for Backyard Growers (01:17:38)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Asian Citrus Psyllid for Commercial Growers and Pest Control Advisors (48:45)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Development of a Highly Successful Biocontrol Program For Asian Citrus Psyllid in California Citrus (51:31)
Avocado Pests
Bed Bugs
- Webinar: Bed Bug Prevention (46:04)
- Don't bring bed bugs home when you travel! (2:39)
- How to inspect for bed bugs (2:20)
- How to use a bed bug detector (2:35)
Beneficial Insects
- Webinar: Beneficial Insects and Natural Enemies (47:56)
- Webinar: Birds: Friends or Foes? (48:15)
Botryosphaeria Disease
- UC Ag Experts Talk: The Blight Phase of Botryosphaeria Disease of Pistachio and Walnut and its Management (49:45)
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): Identification and Monitoring in Almond Orchards (6:34)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and Other Hemipteran Bug Pests of Almonds (52:06)
Carrot Pest Management
Citrus Diseases
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Diseases of Citrus (1:02:19)
- How to Trap Earwigs (2:25)
Flatheaded Borers
Fuller Rose Beetle
Grape Diseases
- Backyard Citrus Pests (44:53)
- Webinar: Identifying Insect Pests in the Home and Garden (49:57)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Insects Found in the Vineyard (41:50)
- Webinar: Insect Egg Identification Easter Egg Hunt! (45:16)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Lygus Bugs in Strawberry (50:28)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Monitoring Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer in Wine Grape Vineyards (50:21)
- Webinar: Flea Control & Diseases: Starting from Scratch (47:44)
Invasive Pests
- Webinar: New Year, New Pests: Invasive Pests in California, part one (46:44)
- Webinar: Invasive Species in California Part 2: Emerging Tree Pests (45:10)
- Webinar: Invasive Species Success Stories (44:12)
Invasive Shot Hole Borers
- Introduction to Invasive Shothole Borers (5:03)
- Management of Invasive Shothole Borers (3:47)
- Monitoring and Sampling Trees for Invasive Shothole Borers (2:40)
- Trapping of Invasive Shothole Borers (7:21)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Invasive Shot Hole Borers in Avocado (1:38:36)
- Webinar: IPM for Rodents (45:29)
Lace Bugs
Laurel Wilt Disease
Lygus bug
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Citrus Mealybugs in the San Joaquin Valley (50:19)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Vine Mealybug Controls in California Vineyards (58:23)
- How to monitor for mites in peach and nectarine (3:12)
- Monitoring for Mites in Avocado Orchards (3:57)
- Monitoring Sixspotted Thrips in Almond Orchards for Spider Mite Control (4:18)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Mites in California Citrus (56:54)
- Don't let mosquitoes breed in your yard! (2:03)
- Protect yourself from mosquito bites (1:38)
- Webinar: Mosquitoes & Ticks of Public Health Concern (47:29)
Navel Orangeworm
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Best Management Practices for Navel Orangeworm on Nut Crops (1:04:39)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Ecology, Monitoring, and Management of Navel Orangeworm in Tree Nuts (50:25)
- Soil Sampling for Nematodes in Walnut and Almond Orchards (6:11)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Citrus Orchards (1:05:36)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Managing Nematodes in Nut Crops (47:42)
Pantry Pests
- How to Get Rid of Pantry Pests (2:10)
- Webinar: Dealing with Pantry Pests (48:47)
Plant Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
- Webinar: Plant Diseases and Abiotic Disorders (46:27)
- Webinar: Peach Leaf Curl and Springtime Fruit Tree Diseases (47:19)
- Webinar: Wood Decay Fungi for Non-specialists (39:38)
- Webinar: Ecology and Management of Squash Bees (48:58)
- Webinar: An Update on Current Research on Pollinator Health (1:34:49)
- Webinar: Understanding and Protecting Squash Bees in California (49:59)
Root and Crown Diseases
- How to distinguish Phytophthora root rot from bacterial canker (2:47)
- Monitoring for Root and Crown Diseases in Avocado Orchards (6:24)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Avocado Cankers and Their Causes (59:14)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Avocado Root Rot Disease Management (52:52)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Citrus Dry Root Rot (53:58)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Effects of Drought and Botryosphaeria Fungi on Permanent Crops (1:07:31)
Shoot Strikes
Snails and Slugs
- Did a snail eat my plant? (1:30)
- How to apply snail and slug bait (1:24)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Snails and Slugs (1:03:32)
- Trapping snails and slugs (1:20)
Soilborne Pathogens
South American Palm Weevil
- South American Palm Weevil - New Invasive Pest of Palms?(2:36:29)
- South American Palm Weevil - County Updates and Control Options?(1:50:24)
- Webinar: Arachnophobia (34:49)
- Common garden spiders (2:10)
- How to catch a spider (1:10)
- How to clean up spider webs (1:13)
Seasonal Pests
- Webinar: Back to School Pests (46:43)
- Webinar: Spooky Insects: A Halloween Special! (45:12)
- Webinar: Springtime Household Pests (42:34)
- Webinar: Summertime Household Pests (41:52)
- Webinar: IPM for Subterranean Termites (51:14)
- Monitoring for Thrips in Avocado Orchards (6:05)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Avocado Thrips - Invasion Biology and Management (1:02:20)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Citrus Thrips (46:28)
Vegetable Diseases
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Considerations in Management of Vegetable Crops Viruses (43:55)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Downy Mildew of Vegetables (53:09)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Fungal Diseases in Processing Tomatoes (54:27)
Vertebrate Pests
- Finding Gopher Tunnel Systems (4:34)
- Setting a Gophinator Trap (2:19)
- Setting a Macabee gopher trap (0:48)
- Webinar: Squirrels! (41:01)
- Trap placement for pocket gophers (1:24)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Ground Squirrel and Pocket Gopher Management in Orchard Crops (1:31:42)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Voles, Rats, and Mice in Agricultural Fields (51:47)
- Webinar: Moles, Voles, and Gophers! (46:20)
- Webinar: Controlling Weeds (50:05)
- Controlling Weeds using Mulch (1:17)
- How to remove dandelions (2:30)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Branched Broomrape: A Parasitic Weed Threat to the Tomato Industry (51:53)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Considerations for Cover Crops and Weed Management (52:39)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Current Challenges for Avocado Weed Management (1:07:12)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Orchard Crops (55:02)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Weeds in Citrus Orchards (48:24)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Weed Control in Non-Crop and Natural Areas (47:43)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Weed Management in California Rice - Current Research and Future Outlook (59:22)
- Weed control using landscape fabric mulch (0:47)
- Webinar: Weed Identification (39:36)
- Webinar: Springtime Weed ID and Management (51:41)
- Distinguishing between yellowjackets, wasps, and look-alikes (2:00)
- Finding and treating yellowjacket nests (2:07)
- How to reduce yellowjackets around your yard (1:42)
management methods
- Using Degree-days to Time Insecticide Applications in Fruit and Nut Orchards (15:45)
- Using IPM Degree-day Tools (5:41)
Dormant Spur Sampling
Implementing IPM
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Decision Thresholds: The Fatal Attraction at the Heart of IPM (49:58)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Evaluation of Soil Salinity, and Soil, Plant Tissue, and Water Reports (1:19:08)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Using Vegetables as a Case Study for Implementing IPM (1:02:45)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Vegetable IPM in the Sacramento Valley (49:16)
Preventing Invasive Species
Spray Applications
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Understanding Effective Citrus Spray Application Through Computer Simulations (50:38)
Impact and Mitigation
- Bee precaution pesticide ratings (3:07)
- IPM with Diego: What is a pesticide? (1:51)
- IPM with Diego: Why do you need to read the pesticide label? (1:30)
- IPM with Diego: Homemade Pesticides? (2:09)
- IPM with Diego: What to wear when you use a pesticide. (1:13)
- Landscape pesticides harm fish (2:28)
- Webinar: Pesticides and Water Quality (41:34)
- Webinar: Understanding Pesticides (51:45)
- Urban pesticide mitigation (5:24)
- Webinar: Using Disinfectants & Wipes Safely (45:02)
- Bifenthrin (3:00)
- Imidacloprid (2:04)
- What's in that pesticide? (2:35)
Pesticide Application Equipment
Plant Growth Regulators
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Gibberellic Acid Use on Avocado to Improve Fruit Set (1:06:23)
- UC Ag Experts Talk: Use of Plant Growth Regulators on Citrus (47:18)