Annual bluegrass
(Poa annua): Grass family; winter annual; leaf tip shaped like bow of
a boat; membranous ligule rounded with slightly pointed tip; leaf blade crinkled
at midsection. |

(Medicago polymorpha) Pea family; summer annual; seed leaves oblong; first
true leaf rounded with single leaflet; later leaves with characteristic clover-like

Common chickweed
(Stellaria media): Pink family; winter annual; seed leaves with prominent
midveins, about 4 times longer than wide, tapering to point at tip; true leaves
broader, opposite, and yellow-green. |

Hare barley
(Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum): Grass family; winter
annual; papery ligule with long and narrow clasping auricles; hairy foliage.

Little mallow (Cheeseweed)
(Malva parviflora): Mallow family; winter annual; seed leaves heart shaped,
sometimes with red tinge; true leaves roundish with wavy, shallow-toothed margins.

(Brassica spp.): Mustard family; winter annual; all mustard seedlings
with broad seed leaves and deep notch at tip; first true leaves bright green
on the upper surface and paler below.

(Calandrinia cilata): Purslane family; winter annuals; seed leaves long,
narrow, and bright green; first true leaves somewhat broader, fleshy, and lacking
definite stalks, distinguishing them from seedlings of miner's lettuce.

Redstem filaree
(Erodium circutarium): Geranium family; winter annual; seed leaves deeply
3 to 4 lobed, center lobe largest; first true leaf deeply lobed and covered with
white hairs; young leaves alternate or opposite and also deeply lobed.

Wild oats
(Avena fatua): Grass family; winter annual; first leaves with small marginal
hairs and counterclockwise twist when viewed from above; ligule large, papery,
and pointed.