How to Manage Pests

UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines

Latest Web changes

Web Update Printed Update Crop Changes
12/03/24 12/03/24 Carrot General revision of the Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates chapter.
11/27/24 12/06/24 Citrus Update of the Asian Citrus Psyllid page.
11/05/24 11/05/24 Prune   Revision of the Nematodes chapter.
11/05/24 11/05/24 Plum Revision of the Nematodes chapter.
9/10/24 09/10/24 Citrus Update to the Bot Gummosis chapter.
8/20/24 08/20/24 Rice Revision of the Diseases chapter.
6/03/24 7/25/24 Peach Updates to the Oriental Fruit Moth, Pheromone Traps, and Year-Round IPM Program pages; addition of a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug page; and treatment table updates in Fruittree Leafroller, Katydids, Obliquebanded Leafroller, Omnivorous Leafroller, and Peach Twig Borer.
7/02/24 7/02/24 Rice General revision of the General Management in an IPM Program and Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates chapters.
6/10/24 6/10/24 Carrot General revision of the Weeds section.
5/31/24 5/31/24 Strawberry Updates to the Characteristics of Strawberry Cultivars Commonly Grown in California page.
5/22/24 5/22/24 Alfalfa Updates to the Alfalfa Caterpillar, Clover Root Curculio, Weevils, and Weed management sections. Treatment table updates to the Beet Armyworm, Cowpea Aphid, Leafhoppers, Pea Aphid, and Western Yellowstripped Armyworm.
4/18/24 4/18/24 Carrot General revision of the Diseases section.
3/5/24 3/5/24 Carrot General revision of the Nematodes section.
2/26/24 2/26/24 Onion Updates to the Maggots, Bacterial Bulb Rots, and Fusarium Basal Rot pages.
11/20/23 11/20/23 Cilantro and Parsley New pages: Alternaria Leaf Spot, Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot, and Stemphylium Leaf Spot.
9/21/23 9/21/23 Rice Updates to Weeds chapter.
9/19/23 9/19/23 Tomato Updates to the Powdery Mildew on Field Grown Tomatoes and General Properties of Fungicides Used in Tomatoes pages. 
8/30/23 8/30/23 Grape   Update to Botrytis Bunch Rot.
8/17/23 8/29/23 Citrus Updates to Year-Round Program, Cultural and Other Practices that Affect Pests, Spray Coverage, Ants, Asian Citrus Psyllid, and Huanglongbing.
8/17/23 8/17/23 Dry Beans Updates to the Cultivar Selection, Fusarium Wilt, Nematodes, Registered Herbicides and Their Use Timings in Specific Dry Bean Types in California, and Herbicide Treatment Table.
7/31/23 7/31/23 Strawberry Updates to the Field Preparation, Field Selection, and Non-Fumigant Alternatives for Soil Disinfestation pages.
6/23/23 6/23/23 Pistachio Update to Navel Orangeworm treatment options.
6/21/23 6/21/23 Almond Update to Navel Orangeworm treatment options
6/14/23 6/14/23 Floriculture and Ornamental Nurseries General revision of Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrates.
4/11/23 4/11/23 Citrus Updates to the Year-Round Program, Increasing Fruit Set with Gibberellic Acid, and Delaying Fruit Senescence with Gibberellic Acid
3/3/23 3/6/23 Citrus Addition of a new nematicide to Nematodes.
11/29/22 11/29/22 Plum Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Plums, Fungicide Efficacy for Plum Diseases, and Treatment Timing for Key Diseases.
11/28/22 11/28/22 Prune Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Prunes, Fungicide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, and Treatment Timing for Key Diseases.
11/4/22 11/4/22 Cherry
Single-section revision of Spotted-Wing Drosophila section.
9/9/22 10/18/22 Peach Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Peaches, Fungicide Efficacy for Peach Diseases—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy for Peach Diseases—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Treatment Timing for Key Diseases, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
9/9/22 10/20/22 Strawberry Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Strawberries, Fungicide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, and Most Effective Treatment Timings for Key Diseases pages.
9/9/22 9/30/22 Almond Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Almonds, Fungicide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Fungicide Resistance Management—Conventional Growers, Fungicide Resistance Management—Organic Growers, and Most Effective Treatment Timings for Key Diseases pages. 
9/9/22 9/30/22 Apricot Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides, Fungicide Efficacy for Apricot Diseases, and Treatment Timings for Key Diseases pages.
9/9/22 10/11/22 Cherry Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides, Fungicide Efficacy for Cherry Diseases—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy for Cherry Diseases—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Most Effective Treatment Timings for Key Diseases, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
9/9/22 10/19/22 Nectarine Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Nectarines, Fungicide Efficacy for Nectarine Diseases—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy for Nectarine Diseases—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Treatment Timing for Key Diseases, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
9/9/22 10/20/22 Pomegranate Updates to the Fungicide Efficacy and Most Effective Treatment Timing for Key Diseases pages.
9/9/22 9/30/22 Apple Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Apples, Fungicide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Bactericide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Bactericide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Fungicide Resistance Management, and Most Effective Treatment Timings for Key Diseases pages.
9/9/22 10/11/22 Citrus  Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Citrus, Fungicide Efficacy for Citrus Diseases, and Treatment Timings for Key Diseases pages.
9/9/22 10/19/22 Pistachio Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Pistachios, Fungicide Efficacy for Pistachio Diseases, and Treatment Timing for Key Diseases.
9/9/22 10/11/22 Kiwifruit Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Kiwifruit, Fungicide Efficacy for Kiwifruit Diseases, and Most Effective Treatment Timing for Key Diseases in Kiwifruit pages.
9/9/22 10/11/22 Grape Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Grapes, Fungicide Efficacy?Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy?Biologicals and Natural Products, Treatment Timing for Key Diseases, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
9/9/22 10/19/22 Pear Updates to the General Properties of Fungicides Used in Pears, Fungicide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Fungicide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Bactericide Efficacy—Conventional Products, Bactericide Efficacy—Biocontrols and Natural Products, Treatment Timing for Key Diseases, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
7/5/22 7/7/22 Citrus Updates to the California red scale and yellow scale, bean thrips, citrus flat mite, citrus red mite, and Asian citrus psyllid sections.
3/21/22 3/21/22 Cole Crops Revised the Insects and Weeds sections, added a new section for vertebrate pests. New Insects sections include: Bagrada bug, bulb mites, springtails, and lygus bugs.
3/21/22 3/21/22 Grape New section: Gill's Mealybug.
11/22/21 11/22/21 Grape Update to the Sharpshooters, Thrips, Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot, and Summer Bunch Rot (Summer rot) sections.
7/7/21 7/7/21 Floriculture & Ornamental Nurseries General revision of Diseases, Nematodes, and Weeds sections.
9/17/20 9/17/20 Artichoke General pesticide update.
8/28/20 8/28/20 Almond New section: Provisional Guidelines For Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Control in Almond.
2/20/20 12/20/20 Citrus General revision of the general information, diseases, nematodes, plant growth regulators, and weeds sections. New sections for Huanglongbing and Hyphoderma gummosis. Dothiorella gummosis section now called Bot gummosis.
2/20/20 12/20/20 Walnut Update to the walnut blight section.
12/11/19 12/11/19 Asparagus General pesticide update.
10/18/19 10/18/19 Potato General revision. Leak (Water Rot) section is now Pythium Leak (Water Rot). Silverleaf Whitefly section is now Sweetpotato Whitefly.
8/21/19 8/21/19 Almond Update to the navel orangeworm section.
8/21/19 8/21/19 Pistachio Update to the navel orangeworm section.
7/31/19 7/31/19 Rice New weed management section added.
7/31/19 7/31/19 Various Pest Management Guidelines Update to 26 Pest Management Guidelines to remove chlorpyrifos from text and tables or update to link to DPR?s interim condition restrictions.
6/13/19 6/13/19 Onion and Garlic General revision for the Diseases section. Bacterial Soft Rots and Sour Skin are now combined into Bacterial Bulb Diseases, which also includes other bacterial diseases. New southern blight section.
5/15/19 5/15/19 Grape Updates to Leafhopper, Sharpshooter, Vine Mealy Bug, and the Herbicide Treatment Table pages.
4/22/19 4/22/19 Citrus Changes to Mandatory Intervals Between Application, Reentry, and Harvest, and Hazards to Bees, and Insect section updates to Aphids, Asian Citrus Psyllid, Broad Mite, Citrus Bud Mite, Citrus Leafminer, Citrus Rust Mite, and Citrus Thrips.
4/15/19 4/15/19 Cilantro and Parsley Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Cilantro and Parsley to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Beet Armyworm, Cabbage Looper, Green Peach Aphid, and Willow-Carrot Aphid.
4/15/19 4/15/19 Pomegranate General revision. Pilidiella Stem Canker and Fruit Rot section is now Coniella Stem Canker and Fruit Rot.
4/15/19 4/15/19 Blueberry Changes to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Blueberry to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, and Insect section updates to citrus thrips, light brown apple moth, and spotted-wing drosophila.
3/4/19 3/4/19 Dry Beans Changes: Year-Round IPM Program, General Management in an IPM Program, and Weeds sections revised. New section Registered Herbicides and Their Use Timings in Specific Dry Bean Types in California.
2/13/19 2/13/19 Onion and Garlic Revisions to the Insects and Weeds sections.
11/07/18 11/07/18 Strawberry General revision. Charcoal rot section is now Macrophomina Crown Rot. New sections for Lewis Spider Mite and Nonfumigant Alternatives for Soil Disinfestation.
11/05/18 11/05/18 Cole Crops Revisions to the Nematode section.
8/07/18 8/07/18 Dry Beans Revisions to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Dry Beans to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, and to the Insects and Mites section.
6/12/18 6/12/18 Pecan Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Pecans to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Black Pecan Aphid, and Yellow Aphid Complex.
3/06/18  3/06/18  Dry Beans Diseases and Abiotic Disorders sections revised.
1/08/18 1/08/18 Onion and Garlic Revision for Nematodes.
1/04/18 1/04/18 Avocado Updates to Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer and Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer.
12/06/17 12/06/17 Almond General revision. New pages for Bacterial Spot and Fruit Russeting (Powdery Mildew-Like).
10/06/17 10/06/17 Walnut General revision. New pages for General Properties of Fungicides Used in Walnuts, Walnut Twig Beetle, Anthracnose, Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis Cankers, Branch Wilt, Paradox Canker, Thousand Cankers Disease, and a new section for Vertebrates.
9/07/17 9/07/17 Prune Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
9/07/17 9/07/17 Strawberry Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
9/05/17 9/05/17 Pomegranate Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
9/05/17 9/05/17 Pear Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page, new page added for Fungicide Resistance Management, and a correction for Fire Blight.
9/01/17 9/01/17 Pistachio Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
9/01/17 9/01/17 Plum Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
8/30/17 8/30/17 Peach Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
8/30/17 8/30/17 Nectarine Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
8/30/17 8/30/17 Kiwifruit Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
8/30/17 8/30/17 Grape Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
8/29/17 8/29/17 Apple Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page. New page for Fungicide Resistance Management added.
8/29/17 8/29/17 Apricot Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing page.
8/29/17 8/29/17 Cherry Updates for the Fungicide Efficacy and Treatment Timing, and Fungicide Resistance Management pages.
6/15/17 6/15/17 Lettuce General revision. Botrytis Crown Rot added under Diseases. Lygus Bug (Western Tarnished Plant Bug) added under Insects and other Arthropods. Vertebrates section added.
4/26/17 4/26/17 Prune Vertebrates section added.
4/25/17 4/25/17 Plum Vertebrates section added.
4/24/17 4/24/17 Pistachio Vertebrates section added.
4/18/17 4/18/17 Cherry New Managing Vertebrates page added to Vertebrates section, updates to Birds and Pocket Gophers.
4/18/17 4/18/17 Asparagus New Managing Vertebrates page added to Vertebrates section, updates to Pocket Gophers and Rabbits.
4/13/17 4/13/17 Apricot New Managing Vertebrates and Pocket Gophers pages added to Vertebrates section, updates to Birds.
4/12/17 4/12/17 Citrus Insects, Mites, and Snails, and Vertebrates sections were revised.
4/10/17 4/10/17 Alfalfa General Information, Diseases, and Weeds sections were revised. Vertebrates section was added.
4/4/17 4/4/17 Grape Vertebrate section added. Webspinning Spider Mites, Botrytis Bunch Rot, Summer Bunch Rot (Sour Rot), and Herbicide Treatment Table updated.
2/15/17 2/15/17 Alfalfa Insect and Mites, and Nematodes sections were revised.
1/12/17 1/12/17 Turfgrass Updates to Diseases, Insect and Mites, Nematodes, and Weeds pages.
11/28/16 11/28/16 Avocado General revision.
11/01/16 11/01/16 Tomato Updates for Powdery Mildew on Field-grown Tomatoes, False Chinch Bug, Leafminers, Tomato Fruitworm, Tomato Pinworm, Tomato (Potato) Psyllid, Tomato Russet Mite, and for the Herbicide Treatment Table.
11/01/16 11/01/16 Kiwifruit Updates for Armored Scales page.
10/18/16 10/18/16 Dry Beans Nematodes section revised.
10/12/16 10/12/16 Sugarbeet Updates to Relative Toxicities of Pesticides Used in Sugarbeet to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Herbicide Treatment Table, Powdery Mildew, and to Insects and Mites pages.
9/02/16 9/02/16 Small Grains Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Small Grains to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Herbicide Treatment Table, Susceptibility of Winter Weeds to Herbicide Control, and to Insects and Mites and Diseases pages.
6/30/16 6/30/16 Kiwifruit Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Kiwifruit to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, to Botrytis Fruit Rot, Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot, and all Insects pages.
6/22/16 6/22/16 Onion and Garlic Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Onions and Garlic to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, General Properties of Fungicides, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, to some Diseases and to most Insects and Mites pages.
6/21/16 6/21/16 Peppers Updates to Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Peppers to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, Powdery Mildew, Root and Crown Rots and Damping-off Diseases, and to most Insects and Mites pages.
6/21/16 6/21/16 Eggplant Updates to Relative Toxicities Of Insecticides And Miticides Used In Eggplants To Natural Enemies And Honey Bees, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, Verticillium Wilt, and most Insects and Mites pages.
6/10/16 6/10/16 Grape General revision to Nematodes.
6/3/16 6/3/16 Cucurbits Updates to Relative Toxicities of Pesticides Used in Cucurbits to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, to most Insects and Mites, and to some Diseases pages.
5/3/16 5/3/16 Carrot Updates to Relative Toxicities of Pesticides Used in Carrot to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees, Nematodes, Herbicide Treatment Table, and to most Insects and Mites, and Diseases pages.
4/15/16 4/15/16 Apricot General revision. New Birds page on new section for Vertebrates. New insect page for Cucumber Beetles added.
1/26/16 1/26/16 Cilantro and Parsley New PMG.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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