2012 highlights: UC IPM annual report

The University of California Statewide IPM Program was established in 1979 to develop and promote the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs. It sponsors activities throughout California. (More…)
- Read the expanded version of our program’s activities and accomplishments. This Web version of UC IPM's annual report contains additional information not found in the printed report.
- Choose an individual article from the table of contents below.
- Download the printable version of the 2012 Highlights report .
About UC IPM
- Letter from the director
- Western IPM Center joins ANR
- UC IPM retirements
- Honors and awards
- New advisors expand UC IPM reach
- Training the trainers on pesticide safety
UC IPM in Action
- Friendly fungus could manage strawberry and vegetable pests
- Kaolin clay doesnâ??t harm honey bees or natural enemies in watermelons
- Non-native bugs invade California
- Mulch and natural herbicides control liverworts
- UC IPM publishes national detection guidelines for walnut twig beetle
- Wildlife damage surveys analyzed
- Retail stores embrace IPM advocates
- Wildland and park managers learn better ways to spray herbicides