2012 Highlights: UC IPM Annual Report

Removing Honey Bee Swarms and Established Hives

When honey bees invade

Spring is when bees most often swarm, which can be scary if they are too close to where people live. In May, UC IPM published a new Pest Note about how to get rid of honey bee swarms and hives in and near houses.

In the Pest Note, extension entomologist and author Eric Mussen describes how and why bees swarm, then advises readers how to keep a swarm from establishing itself in a home—or, if it’s too late to prevent establishment, what to do to remove it. Removing a swarm requires a professional, but the capture is much easier than removing bees inside a wall or attic, so prompt action is important. Local beekeepers are often willing to help, and swarming bees can often be removed without killing them. Since UC Cooperative Extension offices receive many calls about swarms, this Pest Note was particularly helpful and timely.

Removing Honey Bee Swarms and Established Hives is available on the home, garden, turf, and landscape pests section of the UC IPM Web site. This section also includes information about hundreds of other home and landscape pests.

> Next article: Resource Roundup

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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