2012 Highlights: UC IPM Annual Report

The year?s most-read Pest Notes and Quick Tips

Online publications to solve home and garden pest problems

More than 160 illustrated Pest Notes provide detailed information about correctly identifying and managing pests in homes, landscapes, and turf, while UC IPM’s 46 Quick Tips get straight to the point of what people need to do to take care of a problem pest and are available in Spanish as well as English. Almost 250,000 Quick Tip cards were distributed through UC Master Gardener and UC Cooperative Extension programs from July 2011 through June the following year.

Top Pest Notes accessed online
  1. Carpet Beetles
  2. Aphids
  3. Apple and Pear Scab
  4. Powdery Mildew on Fruits and Berries
  5. Yellow Starthistle
  6. Delusory Parasitosis
  7. Kikuyugrass
  8. Roses: Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
Top Quick Tips distributed in print (quantity)
  1. Beneficial Predators (13,200)
  2. Snails and Slugs (8,200)
  3. Common Garden Spiders (8,100)
  4. Powdery Mildew (7,500)
  5. Aphids (7,000)
  6. Scales (7,000)
  7. Ants (6,500)
  8. Garden Chemicals & Water Quality (6,500)
Top Quick Tips accessed online
  1. Peach Leaf Curl
  2. Snails and Slugs
  3. Tree Borers
  4. Gophers (Spanish)
  5. Ants
  6. Garden Chemicals & Water Quality
  7. Common Garden Spiders
  8. Gophers (English)

> Next article: Urban IPM material goes mobile

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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