2012 Highlights: UC IPM Annual Report

Training the trainers on pesticide safety


  • Workshop participants become certified to train workers about pesticide safety.
  • Using pesticides correctly is part of a robust IPM program.

By law, fieldworkers and pesticide handlers must be trained in basic pesticide safety and personal protection, but who trains their trainers? During the seven classes held in 2012, five of them in Spanish, Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator Lisa Blecker certified 225 individuals to provide pesticide safety training to fieldworkers and pesticide handlers. Blecker plans to deliver at least four of these well-received, in-demand classes annually.

While many attendees had received pesticide safety training before, about 50% had received 10 or fewer hours. Participants say they like the format and find the group discussions and activities effective for learning how to best provide safety training to others. “Using pesticides appropriately is a fundamental part of an IPM approach,” Blecker said. “By giving pesticide applicators the tools they need to apply pesticides in a safe and effective manner, we are promoting the goals of IPM.” Next Blecker will create an online safety-training module on the proper use, limitations, and maintenance of respirators used when working with pesticides.

For future training dates, visit Events and Workshops. The training is approved and co-sponsored by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.

> Next article: Friendly fungus could manage strawberry and vegetable pests

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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