Agriculture: Prune Pest Management Guidelines

Fruit Development

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of prune in California.

Fruit development (petal fall to harvest)

What should you be doing during this time?

Survey weeds in late spring.

Monitor San Jose scale:

  • Continue checking pheromone traps.
  • Keep records on a degree-day monitoring form (PDF).
  • Treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Monitor obliquebanded leafroller:

Monitor peach twig borer if crop is fresh market and no dormant or bloom spray was applied:

Monitor aphids from petal fall until July 15, or until a treatment is applied.

  • Keep records on a monitoring form (PDF).
  • Treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Monitor webspinning spider mites weekly using a 5-minute search, starting June 1.

  • Keep records on a monitoring form (PDF).
  • Treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Monitor rust and treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Monitor cytospora canker.

  • Remove (cut out) cankers.
  • Destroy dead or damaged wood.

Take a fruit damage sample just before harvest. Record the results on a monitoring form (PDF) to assess the effectiveness of current year's IPM program.

Keep records of other pests you may see. Treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Text Updated: 06/06