Agriculture: Prune Pest Management Guidelines


This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of prune in California.

Bloom (green tip to petal fall)

What should you be doing during this time?

Treat orchards where brown rot is a chronic problem; monitor weather to determine the need for additional treatments.

Monitor San Jose scale:

Monitor peach twig borer larvae:

  • Time bloom treatments according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.
  • In fresh market, or if no dormant or bloom spray was applied, put up and monitor pheromone traps (by March 20 in San Joaquin Valley; April 1 in Sacramento Valley).
  • Keep records on a degree-day monitoring form (PDF).

Monitor for leafrollers and other caterpillars. Treat if needed according to Prune Pest Management Guideline.

Keep records of other pests you may see:

Text Updated: 06/06