Agriculture: Pistachio Pest Management Guidelines

Dormancy to Delayed-Dormancy

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of pistachios in California.

About Dormancy to Delayed-Dormancy

What should you be doing at this time?

Carry out dormant season sanitation activities:

Manage orchard floor weeds :

  • Keep records (PDF) of weeds identified in the orchard, noting locations of problematic weeds.
  • If using herbicides, before application:
    • Create a custom herbicide chart for winter weeds in your field.
    • Mechanically remove leaves and debris from the treatment area.
  • Use drift-reducing spray nozzles where possible, and apply herbicides only when environmental conditions are favorable.
  • Scout the field following treatment and control escaped weeds.

In early- to mid-January, examine one-year-old fruiting wood for live and parasitized soft scales, paying special attention to previously infested areas. Treat if needed in mid-February according to the Pistachio Pest Management Guidelines.

Consider performing a BUDMON test (detects bud colonization and infection) in February to mid-March to predict the risk of Botryosphaeria panicle and shoot blight at harvest.

Look for vertebrates and their damage and manage if needed:

  • Ground squirrels
  • Jackrabbits
  • Meadow voles
  • Pocket gophers
Text Updated: 10/14