Pistachio > Year-Round IPM Program > Vertebrates and damage
Vertebrates and their damage
- Ground squirrels
- Jackrabbits
- Meadow voles
- Pocket gophers
Click on photos to enlarge. Names link to more on identification and biology.
 Ground squirrel adult
Identification tip: The adult head and body ranges from 9 to 11 inches long and its somewhat bushy tail is about as long as its body. The fur is mottled dark and light brown or gray. |
 Jackrabbit (hare) adult
Identification tip:
The adult is about the size of a large house cat. It has very long ears, short front legs, and long hind legs. |
 Meadow vole (meadow mouse) adult
Identification tip: Adult voles are larger than the house mouse but smaller than rats. Compared to deer mice, however, voles have a more robust body, less obvious ears, and a relatively shorter tail. |
 Pocket gopher
Identification tip: The adult pocket gopher is 6 to 8 inches long with a stout brown, gray, or yellowish body and small ears and eyes. It is rarely seen aboveground. |
 Jack rabbit (hare), Meadow vole, or Pocket gopher damage
Identification tip:
Rabbits, voles, and gophers may gnaw drip irrigation lines. |
 Meadow vole damage
Identification tip: Voles feed on bark around the root crown. Small trees are most susceptible to being completely girdled. |