Agriculture: Nectarine Pest Management Guidelines


This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of nectarine in California.

About Bloom (green tip to petal fall)

What should you be doing at this time?

Put out pheromone traps for:

  • Oriental fruit moth (February 15)
  • Omnivorous leafroller (February 20)
  • San Jose scale (February 25)

Check traps and keep records (example monitoring/degree-days form—PDF).

If using mating disruption for oriental fruit moth, place dispensers in orchard after first moth is caught but no later than March 5.

Examine flower clusters and leaves for: 

  • Western flower thrips
  • Katydids
  • Peach twig borer
  • Fruittree leafroller
  • Obliquebanded leafroller

Monitor for other pests, including stink bugs and plant bugs, as well as known invasive pests (spotted wing drosophila, light brown apple moth).

When rainy conditions promote disease, time fungicide treatment according to Nectarine Pest Management Guidelines:

Monitor for diseases:

  • Rust
    • Monitor twig cankers beginning late March.
    • Treat with fungicide if needed according to Nectarine Pest Management Guidelines.
  • Shot hole
    • Fruiting structures in leaf lesions as long as weather is wet.

Manage if needed according to Nectarine Pest Management Guidelines.

Observe the orchard for vertebrates and manage as necessary:

Text Updated: 06/10