> Year-Round IPM Program > Bloom Season
> Why Is the Bloom Season Important?
Why Is the Bloom Season Important in an IPM Program?
Bloom season, which extends from the green tip stage to petal
fall, is a key time to control many diseases. Many of the key
pests are present and there is not a lot
foliage, so good spray coverage is easier to achieve than later
the season.
Time some actions based on an estimate of when a certain proportion
of the flower buds are fully open; for example, 5% bloom and
bloom are estimates of when the first 5% or 10% of flower buds
have reached the full bloom stage. For pest management, the
“full bloom” refers to the point at which the majority
of flowers are fully open; by this time some will be past full
bloom, while others will be at earlier stages. The proportion
of flowers that are fully open when the orchard is at full bloom
can vary substantially depending on winter chilling. In high-chilling
years, as many as 80% of the blossoms may reach full bloom at
the same time. In low chilling years, the proportion may be below
Bloom stages

Green tip |

First pink |

Popcorn (Pink bud) |

Full bloom |

Petal fall |

Jacket split |