Weeds Pages
Common names link to pages with weed descriptions and photos, often showing several stages of development.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus-galli |
bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon |
bindweed, field | Convolvulus arvensis |
bluegrass, annual | Poa annua |
burclover, California | Medicago polymorpha |
chickweed, common | Stellaria media |
cockleburs | Xanthium spp. |
crabgrasses | Digitaria spp. |
filarees | Erodium spp. |
fleabane, hairy | Conyza bonariensis |
foxtail, yellow | Setaria pumila |
foxtails | Setaria spp. |
groundsel, common | Senecio vulgaris |
henbit | Lamium amplexicaule |
horseweed | Conyza canadensis |
johnsongrass | Sorghum halepense |
knotweed, common | Polygonum arenastrum |
ladysthumb | Polygonum persicaria |
lambsquarters, common | Chenopodium album |
lettuce, prickly | Lactuca serriola |
mallow, little (cheeseweed) | Malva parviflora |
morning glories | Ipomoea spp. |
mustards | Brassica spp. |
nettle, burning | Urtica urens |
nightshades | Solanum spp. |
nutsedge, purple | Cyperus rotundus |
nutsedge, yellow | Cyperus esculentus |
oat, wild | Avena fatua |
pigweeds | Amaranthus spp. |
polypogon, rabbitfoot | Polypogon monspeliensis |
purslane, common | Portulaca oleracea |
rocket, London | Sisymbrium irio |
ryegrasses | Lolium spp. |
shepherd's-purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris |
smartweed, swamp | Polygonum coccineum |
sowthistles | Sonchus spp. |
sprangletops | Leptochloa spp. |
sweetclovers | Melilotis spp. |
thistle, Russian | Salsola tragus |