Home & Landscape : Pesticide active ingredients database

Pesticide active ingredients database

Pests in and around the home, garden, and landscape can often be managed without the use of pesticides. But when pesticides are necessary, it is important to understand how they work and how to apply them.

This database provides information about common active ingredients found in pesticide products. Select the name of the active ingredient from the list below to learn how the ingredient works, application tips, example products, and impacts to aquatic organisms, pollinators, human health, and natural enemies (beneficial insects and mites).

To compare various active ingredients and help you decide the most appropriate material to use for your situation, use the Compare Risks link found on the Pest Notes web pages for individual pests.

For a list of pesticide terms used in this database, see the Pesticide Terms page. For more detailed information on pesticide safety see the Pest Notes: Pesticides: Safe and Effective Use in the Home and Landscape. Visit the National Pesticide Information Center website for more information about individual pesticides.

Download a PDF guide of how to use the pesticide active ingredient database.