Pesticide Type
See the Pesticide Terms page for definitions of terms used in this database.
How Does This Active Ingredient Work?
This active ingredient is a broad-spectrum, contact pesticide which can be formulated as an insecticide, miticide, herbicide, or fungicide. It is made by mixing fatty acids derived from plants or animals and adding potassium hydroxide. Potassium salts of fatty acids kills insects and mites by penetrating their exoskeletons, causing dehydration and death. It works as an herbicide by inhibiting photosynthesis and is toxic to fungi. To learn more, see the NPIC fact sheet for this active ingredient.
Potential Hazards1
Environment | People or other mammals | |||
Water quality2 (aquatic wildlife)Footnote 1. Water quality ratings from Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in Agriculture, ANR Publication 8161, or the USDA-NRCS WIN-PST database—see Pesticides: Water-Related Toxicology of Active Ingredients. Information to be added. |
Natural enemies3 (beneficials) Information to be added. |
Honey bees4Footnote 3.Honey bee ratings are: (Very High) I-Do not apply to blooming plants; (High) II-Apply only during late evening; (Moderate) III-Apply only during late evening, night, or early morning; and (Low) IV-Apply at any time with reasonable safety to bees. For more information, see How to Reduce Bee Poisoning From Pesticides (PDF), Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW591. Information to be added. | Acute5Footnote 4.Acute oral toxicity ratings for people and other mammals based on LD50 and US EPA Acute Toxicity Ratings system: H = Highly Toxic (LD50 < 50), M = Moderately Toxic (LD50: 50-500), L = Slightly Toxic (LD50: 500-5000), VL = Not Acutely Toxic (LD50 > 5000). Information to be added. | Chronic6Footnote 4.Acute oral toxicity ratings for people and other mammals based on LD50 and US EPA Acute Toxicity Ratings system: H = Highly Toxic (LD50 < 50), M = Moderately Toxic (LD50: 50-500), L = Slightly Toxic (LD50: 500-5000), VL = Not Acutely Toxic (LD50 > 5000). Information to be added. |
— | LM | VL | NKR |
Hazards Ratings: VL=Very low, L=Low, LM=Low to Moderate, M=Moderate, LH=Low to High, MH=Moderate to High, H=High, VH=Very High, N/A=Not Applicable, N=None, NKR=No Known Risk, — = No data |
Honey Bee Ratings: |
Do not apply or allow to drift to plants that are flowering including weeds. Do not allow pesticide to contaminate water accessible to bees including puddles. |
Do not apply or allow to drift to plants that are flowering including weeds, except when the application is made between sunset and midnight if allowed by the pesticide label and regulations. Do not allow pesticide to contaminate water accessible to bees including puddles. |
No bee precaution, except when required by the pesticide label or regulations. |
Safety Precautions
Read the product label for specific information on personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety requirements. Note that many consumer pesticide products do not include information about PPE on the label. You should still wear basic PPE to protect yourself from exposure, such as chemical resistant gloves, long sleeves, and goggles. Learn about safe use and disposal of pesticides.
Warning on the use of pesticides.
Pest Notes and Example Products
These products were registered for home and garden use in California in July 2013. Professional use products are not included. If no example products are listed, this active ingredient may be available only for professional use. Individual products are registered for specific uses on specific sites. Read the label to determine if the product is registered for your use. Note that some products may be formulated with additional pesticides. Information to be addedThis active ingredient is mentioned in the following Pest Notes:
Ants, Aphids, Asian Citrus Psyllid and Huanglongbing Disease, Avocado Lace Bug, Boxelder Bug, California Oakworm, Whiteflies, Eucalyptus Redgum Lerp Psyllid, Glassy-winged Sharpshooter, Lace Bugs, Lawn Insects, Leaffooted Bug, Mealybugs, Psyllids, Roses: Insects and Mites, Scales, Sixspotted Spider Mite on Plumeria, Spider Mites, Sycamore Scale, Thrips
Example home, garden or landscape use products7:
Bioadvanced Organics Tomato Vegetable & Fruit Insect Control, Monterey Insecticidal Soap Rtu, Natria Houseplant Insect Killer, Safer Brand #567 Pyrethrin & Insecticidal Soap Concentrate II
Example professional use products:
Des-X Insecticidal Soap, Exile, M-Pede