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IPM 25th2005 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

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Master gardener training
Photo by Stephanie Klunk
From left: Master gardeners Ann Beinhorn, Placer County; Yvonne Savio, Los Angeles County; Charlotte Bolinger, Nevada County; and Kathryn Coleman, Napa County, examine various mulches to be used to control weed infestations during master gardener train-the-trainer instruction in weed management conducted by the UC Statewide IPM Program.

UC IPM Makes It Happen

Master gardener training

More than 60 master gardeners and master gardener coordinators, representing 26 California counties, learned how to use video presentations on ants and weeds and had hands-on experience working with various ant and weed management activities. Participants also learned how to use resources on the UC IPM Web site. Additionally, instructors offered an overview of urban pesticide-related water quality problems. UC Master Gardener program representatives were given copies of the ant and weed interactive presentations, as well as a portable poster display and posters on ants, weeds, and water quality to share with their communities. A similar program featuring new educational modules for IPM and honeydew producing insects is planned for 2006.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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