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IPM 25th2005 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

UC IPM Makes It Happen


  • Master gardener training. More than 60 master gardeners and master gardener coordinators, representing 26 California counties, learned how to use video presentations on ants and weeds and had hands-on experience working with various ant and weed management activities.
  • Retail education day. UC IPM Education and Publications staff participated in and sponsored the 2005 UCCE/California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers' "Healthy Landscapes Retail Education Day."
  • IPM for schools. UC IPM participated in a one-day training workshop sponsored by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation School IPM program at Oroville High School in March 2005.
  • NRCS staff training. UC IPM sponsored two, two-day training programs for more than 66 NRCS staff in November and December.
  • Weed school. Nearly 70 people attended the "Central Valley Weed School 2005," sponsored by UC IPM, UCCE Fresno, and UC Kearney Agricultural Center in July.
  • Vine mealybug identification training. Salvador Gil and other vineyard supervisors learned how to identify vine mealybugs under a microscope at a training workshop conducted by UC IPM in Sonoma.
  • Water quality training. UC IPM Advisor Phil Phillips gave five IPM presentations on water quality to nearly 350 growers this year.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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