Year-Round IPM Program Pages
Table Grapes
This year-round program section covers the major pests of table grapes grown in California. For wine and raisin grapes, see WINE AND RAISIN GRAPE YEAR-ROUND PROGRAM.
About Delayed-Dormancy
- San Joaquin Valley, February; Coachella Valley, December to January
- Mitigate pesticide effects on air and water quality.
What should you be doing during this time?
On a warm day (above 65°F), monitor trunks, cordons, and spurs for:
- Mealybugs
- Ants associated with mealybugs and European fruit lecanium scale
- Overwintering spider mites (orange)
- Cutworms
Keep records (example monitoring form ). Manage if needed according to the Pest Management Guidelines.
Just before budbreak, in the San Joaquin Valley, place omnivorous leafroller pheromone traps in the vineyard.
- Check traps twice weekly until a biofix date is established; thereafter, check traps weekly.
- Record biofix for the first moth.
- Keep records (example monitoring form ).
Just before budbreak, place sticky traps in and around the vineyard for glassy-winged sharpshooter.
- Change traps weekly.
- Keep records (example monitoring form ).
Vineyard floor management before bud break:
- Control weeds with mowing, cultivation, or herbicides
- Mow tall cover crop
Other pests or pest damage you may see:
- Rodents
- Branch and twig borer
- Click beetles
- Bud beetles
- Dead spurs from trunk diseases