Agriculture: Cotton Pest Management Guidelines

Squaring to First Bloom

This year-round IPM program covers major pests of cotton grown in California.

About Squaring to First Bloom

What should you be doing during this time?

Begin weekly monitoring of plant growth.

Monitor for armyworms, cabbage loopers.

Treat if needed according to Cotton Pest Management Guidelines.

Monitor for spider mites, aphids, and whitefly:

  • Keep records (PDF)
  • See photo identification page for their natural enemies.
  • Treat if needed according to Cotton Pest Management Guidelines.

Begin sweep net sampling and square retention monitoring for lygus bug activity:

  • Keep records (PDF)
  • Treat if needed according to Cotton Pest Management Guidelines.

Survey and manage weeds.

  • Keep records (PDF)
  • Treat if needed according to Cotton Pest Management Guidelines.

Sample for both races of Fusarium if there is evidence of Fusarium in the field, or if you planted a variety with unknown resistance.

Manage alternate lygus bug hosts such as weeds, alfalfa, and safflower next to cotton.

Adjust nitrogen application amount and first irrigation timing to limit rank growth.

Text Updated: 05/13