Agriculture: Corn Pest Management Guidelines

Pesticide Application Checklist

When planning for pesticide applications in an IPM program, review and complete this checklist to consider practices that minimize environmental and efficacy problems.

Choose a pesticide from the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for the target pest, considering:

Before an application

  • Choose sprayers and application procedures that keep pesticides on target.
  • Identify and take special care to protect sensitive areas (for example, waterways or riparian areas) surrounding your application site.
  • Review and follow label for pesticide handling, storage, and disposal guidelines.  Check DPR for chemical label updates
  • Check and follow restricted entry intervals (REI) and preharvest intervals (PHI).

After an application

  • Record application date, product used, rate, and location of application.
  • Follow up to confirm that treatment was effective.

Consider water management practices that reduce pesticide movement off-site.

Consider practices that reduce air quality problems.

  • When possible, choose pesticides that are not in emulsifiable concentrate (EC) form which release volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs react with sunlight to form ozone, a major air pollutant.

For more about mitigating the effects of pesticides, see the Mitigation page.

Text Updated: 09/11