Agriculture: Carrot Pest Management Guidelines


  • Greenhouse whitefly: Trialeurodes vaporariorum
  • Iris whitefly: Aleyrodes spiraeoides
  • Sweetpotato whitefly: Bemisia tabaci MEAM1
  • Description of the Pest

    Whiteflies are small flying insects that are about 0.04 inch (1 mm) long. The body and wings of adults are covered with a fine whitish powdery wax that is opaque in appearance. Whiteflies colonize the underside of leaves; adults and eggs are commonly found on the lower surface of younger leaves and the scalelike nymphal stages on somewhat older leaves.

    Distinguishing whitefly species is difficult; use a hand lens to examine both immatures and adults. Adult sweetpotato whiteflies, sometimes called silverleaf whiteflies, hold their wings somewhat vertically tilted like the peaked roof of a house, instead of flat over their bodies like the greenhouse whitefly. During the last part of the fourth larval stage, often called the pupa, whiteflies develop red eyes and stop feeding. The pupal stage is the stage that is easiest to identify sweetpotato whitefly; pupae have no waxy filaments around their edges as do most other species of whiteflies.


    Extremely dense populations of sweetpotato whitefly may immigrate into late-August or September plantings of carrots in the low deserts of southern California and damage seedlings. In light to moderate infestations, leaves show no distinctive symptoms as a result of whitefly feeding; however, copious quantities of honeydew are deposited on leaves, resulting in a shiny, sticky appearance.


    Whiteflies can be very difficult to control with insecticides. Natural or introduced biological methods provide the best long-term solution to keeping whitefly numbers at a minimum along with reducing host plants in areas of heavy infestation. If you treat for sweetpotato whitefly, make applications before pests build up and contaminate carrot tops with honeydew.

    Biological Control

    Several parasitic wasps, including species in the Encarsia and Eretmocerus genera, control whiteflies. Whitefly nymphs are also preyed upon by bigeyed bugs, green lacewing larvae, brown lacewing larvae and lady beetles. Encourage buildup of beneficial insects by avoiding the use of nonselective pesticides and by protecting their habitat.

    Cultural Control

    Remove field bindweed and other weeds in and adjacent to the crop field as well as crop residues. Host-free periods are valuable for controlling several of the whitefly species.

    Organically Acceptable Methods

    Use biological controls, cultural controls, and soap sprays in a certified organic crop.

    Monitoring and Treatment Decisions

    Carrots are not a preferred host of whiteflies and in some areas treatment with insecticides is rarely justified. Where sweetpotato whitefly is a chronic problem, a treatment with imidacloprid at planting will effectively control whiteflies during the critical period of stand establishment. If treatment is not applied at planting, occasionally dense colonies of sweetpotato whitefly nymphs can necessitate treatment of bunching carrots to prevent honeydew and sooty molds from severely contaminating the carrot tops.

    For foliar treatment, combinations of a pyrethroid insecticide (mode-of-action group 3A) with methomyl provide superior control over applications of a single insecticide. Rotate pyrethroid treatments with a treatment of insecticidal soap to help slow development of insecticide resistance. Insecticidal soaps control all immature stages of whiteflies, including eggs, whereas the other insecticides control first instar nymphs and adults only; thus, treatment timing is critical.

    Common name Amount per acre REI‡ PHI‡
    (Example trade name) (hours) (days)
    Not all registered pesticides are listed. The following are ranked with the pesticides having the greatest IPM value listed first—the most effective and least harmful to natural enemies, honey bees, and the environment are at the top of the table. When choosing a pesticide, consider information relating to air and water quality, resistance management, and the pesticide's properties and application timing. Always read the label of the product being used.
      (Admire Pro - Soil) 4.4–10.5 fl oz 12 21
      COMMENTS: Apply at planting to control migrating whitefly adults during stand establishment. Has minimal effect on natural enemies. Highly toxic to bees; do not spray directly or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds where bees are foraging.

    If grown for seed, review and follow the California neonicotinoid regulations effective January 1, 2024. Permissible application rates of this insecticide may be lower than label rates if applying more than one neonicotinoid active ingredients or using more than one application method in the same season. 
      (Leverage 360) 2.8 fl oz 12 7
      COMMENTS: Do not spray directly or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds where bees are foraging.

    If grown for seed, review and follow the California neonicotinoid regulations effective January 1, 2024. Permissible application rates of this insecticide may be lower than label rates if applying more than one neonicotinoid active ingredients or using more than one application method in the same season. 
      (M-Pede)# 1% solution or less 12 0
      COMMENTS: This material has no residual activity and requires frequent applications and thorough coverage. Provides poor control of adults.
      (Lannate SP) 0.5–1 lb 48 1
      COMMENTS: Tank mix with esfenvalerate product.
      (Asana XL) 5.8–9.6 fl oz 12 7
      COMMENTS: Tank mix with methomyl product. Apply as needed for control, but do not exceed 0.5 lb a.i. (3 qt esfenvalerate/acre per season). Use ground application only. Highly toxic to bees; do not spray directly or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds where bees are foraging.
      (Actara) 3.0–4.0 fl oz 12 7
      COMMENTS: Do not spray directly or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds where bees are foraging.

    If grown for seed, review and follow the California neonicotinoid regulations effective January 1, 2024. Permissible application rates of this insecticide may be lower than label rates if applying more than one neonicotinoid active ingredients or using more than one application method in the same season. 
    Restricted entry interval (REI) is the number of hours (unless otherwise noted) from treatment until the treated area can be safely entered without personal protective equipment. Preharvest interval (PHI) is the number of days from treatment to harvest. In some cases, the REI exceeds the PHI. The longer of the two intervals is the minimum time that must elapse before harvest.
    1 Group numbers for insecticides and miticides (un=unknown or uncertain mode of action) are assigned by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC). Rotate pesticides with a different mode-of-action group number, and do not use products with the same mode-of-action group number more than twice per season to help prevent the development of resistance. For example, the organophosphates have a group number of 1B; insecticides with a 1B group number should be alternated with insecticides that have a group number other than 1B.
    # Acceptable for use on certified organic crops.
    Text Updated: 09/24
    Treatment Table Updated: 09/24