Learn how to prevent pesticide resistance by taking our online course

Learn how to prevent pesticide resistance by taking our online course

Time flies by quickly and before you know, it’s the end of the year. Sometimes you need just a few more continuing education units to renew your license with the Department of Pesticide Regulation. UC IPM is here to help.

Pesticide resistance is a worthy topic to learn about too. Pesticide resistance can become a problem when the same pesticide is used repeatedly to control a particular pest. Over several generations, the pest may develop resistance. The pesticide no longer effectively controls the pest when applied at the same rate it has been applied in the past. Higher rates and more frequent applications become necessary until eventually the pesticide provides little or no control.

Check out our online course, Pesticide Resistance. The course highlights how pesticide resistance develops among pests. Created primarily for pest control advisers and other licensed pesticide applicators, this course describes the mechanisms of resistance in pathogens, insects, and weeds and discusses ways to manage resistance within the different disciplines.

The online course is divided into three narrated presentations followed by a final test for each section. This course has been approved for 2 continuing education units in the Other category from the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

I took the in-person course with a colleague and it was awesome. I’m really glad to see it is now available online.
— Mark Bolda, UCCE farm advisor, Santa Cruz County

Pesticide Resistance is based on a series of workshops held in Davis, Fresno, and at the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center. The workshops were developed and presented by UCCE Specialists Doug Gubler (Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis), Larry Godfrey (Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis), Beth Grafton-Cardwell (Lindcove Research and Extension Center and UC Riverside), and Kassim Al-Khatib (Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis). UC IPM’s Interactive Learning Developer Cheryl Reynolds worked with the presenters to develop the online course.

Take the online course today!