Agriculture: Avocado Pest Management Guidelines

Late Fruit Development

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of avocados in California. Details on carrying out each practice, example monitoring forms, and information on additional pests can be found in the Avocado Pest Management Guidelines. Track your progress through the year with this annual checklist form. Color photo identification pages and example monitoring forms can be found at forms and photo ID pages.

About Late fruit development

What should you be doing during this time?

Monitor for diseases and conditions that promote disease development.

Record the date and location of problem trees or sites. Manage if needed according to the Pest Manage-ment Guidelines.

Monitor invertebrate pests , including:

Record results. Manage if needed according to the Pest Management Guidelines.

Look for vertebrates, especially during spring and summer. Manage if needed.

Reduce pest problems and manage tree growth by proper pruning.

Manage nutrition:

  • Test foliar nutrients and fertilize if needed.

Provide proper cultural care and good growing conditions to improve fruit yield and control pests. Pay particular attention to young trees and new groves.

Apply frost protection when warranted through March, especially if growing on flat land.

  • Test frost control system by November.

Inspect trees or sample foliage or soil during late summer or fall before winter rains to assess salinity from alkaline soils, poor quality water, and fertilizers.

Text Updated: 09/16