Agriculture: Asparagus Pest Management Guidelines

Spear Emergence Through Harvest

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of fresh asparagus and nursery production of crowns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, Central Coast, southern San Joaquin Valley, and southern desert valleys.

About Spear Emergence Through Harvest

What should you be doing during this time?

On spears, look for:

Treat as needed according to the Pest Management Guidelines.

Manage weeds:

  • Cultivate weeds when shaping beds for the harvest season.
  • Apply appropriate preemergence herbicides for the weed spectrum at the site.
  • Apply herbicides during the harvest period to control weeds that were not controlled by preemergence herbicides.
  • Monitor for new invasions of perennial weeds and control by hand or spot spraying as appropriate.

If crown and spear rot is observed during harvest, treat according to the Pest Management Guidelines.

End harvest when production declines to 70% of the season's highest yield to maintain crown vigor.

Text Updated: 09/11