California Weather Data
Current daily and hourly data from stations throughout California, plus long-term data for climate stations. PestCast research networks provide hourly and daily values from selected locations.

Pest and plant models (including UC-recommended degree-day models)
Current daily and hourly data from stations throughout California, plus long-term data for climate stations. PestCast research networks provide hourly and daily values from selected locations.

Degree-day calculator
Current daily and hourly data from stations throughout California, plus long-term data for climate stations. PestCast research networks provide hourly and daily values from selected locations.

- About California Weather Database
- Video presentation using degree-days to time insecticide applications
- About Degree Days
- Reference degree-day tables
- Cotton Planting Forecast (March and April)
- Chilling accumulations (November through March)
- Sunset temperatures (February through May 15)
- Model descriptions
- More interactive tools and calculators