Agriculture: Small Grains Pest Management Guidelines

Characteristics of Wheat and Triticale Cultivars Grown in California

Cultivar Type1 Maturity Straw strength Planting date:
growing areas2
Septoria tritici blotch Barley yellow dwarf Stripe rust Leaf rust Powdery mildew
Alpowa SWS Medium late Fair Spring: 5 MS MS S S MS
Alturas SWS Medium Good Spring: 5 MS
Blanca Fuerte HW Medium Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MS MR R R MS
Blanca Grande 515 HW Medium early Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 S MS R R S
Blanca Royale HW Medium early Good Late Fall: 1,2,3 MR MR R R MR
Brundage 96 SWW Medium early Good Fall: 5 S MR R
Bruneau SWW Medium late Fair Fall: 5 MR
Cal Rojo HRS Medium early Excellent Late Fall; 1,2,3,4 MR MS R R R
Clear White HW Medium Good Late Fall; 1,2,3,4; Spring 5 S MS MS MR R
Crown D Medium Good Late Fall: 2,4 MS S MR R MS
Desert King D Medium late Good Late Fall: 2,4 R MR MR R S
Desert King HP D Medium late Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 R R R R S
Duraking D Medium Good Late Fall: 2,4 MS MS MS R S
Expresso HRS Medium early Fair Late Fall; 1,2,3,4; Spring: 5 MR S R R MR
Fortissimo D Medium late Good Late Fall: 2,4 R R R MS
Goetze SWW Medium early Good Fall: 5 MR S R
Hank HRS Medium early Excellent Spring: 5 S R R
Havasu D Medium early Fair Late Fall: 4
Joaquin HRS Medium early Fair Late Fall; 2,3,4 S S S MS S
Kronos D Medium early Poor Late Fall: 2,4 S S S R S
Lariat HRS Medium Excellent Late Fall: 1,2,3 R MR R R R
Lassik HRS Medium late Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MS MR R S R
Maestrale D Medium Fair Late Fall: 2,4 R MR MR R R
Malbec HRS Medium Spring: 5 S
Mika HRS Medium late Poor Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 S MS S MR R
New Dirkwin SWS (forage) Late Fair – Poor Late Fall: 1,2,3 MS MR R R MR
Nick SWS Medium early Fair Spring: 5 S R MR
Normanno D Late Good Late Fall: 2,4 MS MS R R
Orita D Medium late Good Late Fall: 4 R MR S R R
Patwin HW Medium late Excellent Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MR S R MR R
Patwin 515 HW Medium late Excellent Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MR MR R R MS
Platinum D Medium early Fair Late Fall: 2,4 R MS MR R S
PR 1404 HRS (forage) Medium late Good Late Fall; 1,2,3 MR MS R R
Q-Max D Medium late Good Late Fall: 2,4 R MS MR MS
Redwing HRS Medium early Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MR MR MR R MS
RSI 59 D Medium late Good Late Fall: 4 R MR MS
Saragolla D Medium late Good Late Fall: 2,4 R MR MS R MR
Skiles SWW Medium Good Fall: 5 S R S
Stephens SWW Medium early Fair Fall: 5 S MS MR MS MR
Summit 515 HRS Medium early Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 S MS R R S
Tango D Medium early Excellent Late Fall: 2,4 R S
Tipai D Medium late Fair Late Fall: 4 MR S R
Topper D Medium late Good Late Fall: 2,4 R MS S R
Triple IV HRS (forage) Early Poor Late Fall: 1,2,3 MR MR MS MS
Tubbs SWW Medium Good Fall: 5 MS S S
Twin SWS (forage) Medium late Fair Spring: 5 S MS S S S
Ultra HRS Medium Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MS MR MR R S
Utopia D Medium early Poor Late Fall: 2,4 R MS R R
Volante D Medium Good Late Fall: 2,4 R MR MR S
WB-Cristallo HW Medium late Fair Late fall: 1,2,3,4 MR MR R MR MR
WB-Fuzion HRS Medium Spring: 5 S
WB-Mead D Medium late Good Late Fall: 4
WB-Paloma HW Medium early Fair Late Fall: 2,3,4 S S S MR R
WB-Patron HRS (forage) Medium Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4
WB-Perla HW Medium early Good Late Fall: 2,3,4
WB-Rockland HRS Medium early Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4; Spring 5 MR S R R MS
Westbred 528 SWW Medium Good Fall: 5 MS R MS
Westmore D Medium Poor Late Fall: 2,4 R MR MR R S
Yamhill SWW (forage) Medium Fair Fall: 5 MR S MS
Yecora Rojo HRS Medium early Fair Late Fall: 2,3,4; Spring 5 S MS S S S
Camelot Spring forage Early Good Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 MR R MS R R
Merlin Winter forage Late Fair Fall: 1,2,3: Spring 5 S MR MR MR R
Pacheco Spring forage Medium Very good Fall: 2 MR R S R R
Trical Brand 102 Winter forage Late Fair Late Summer/Fall: 5 R R R
Trical Brand 105 Spring forage Medium Good Fall: 1,2,3,4 R MS MS R R
Trical Brand 118 Spring forage Medium Good Fall: 1,2,3,4 MR R MS R R
Trical Brand 2700 Spring forage Medium late Fair Spring: 5 R MS R R R
1Type: D = Durum; HRS = Hard Red Spring; HW = Hard White; HWS = Hard White Spring; SWS = Soft White Spring; SWW = Soft White Winter
2Growing Region: 1 = Sacramento Valley and Delta; 2 = San Joaquin Valley; 3 = coastal; 4 = southern desert valleys; 5 = intermountain area
3Disease Reactions: R = resistant; MR = moderately resistant; MS = moderately susceptible; S = susceptible; — = no information
Text Updated: 11/11