Agriculture: Small Grains Pest Management Guidelines

Characteristics of Barley Cultivars Grown in California

Cultivar Type Growth habit Maturity Plant height1 Straw strength Planting date: growing areas2 Disease Susceptibilities3
Stripe Rust Leaf Rust Scald Net Blotch Powdery Mildew Barley Yellow Dwarf
AC Metcalfe 2-row malt Spring Medium late T Fair Spring: 5 R S S MR S
Baronesse 2-row feed Spring Medium late M Poor Spring: 5 S S MS MS S MR
CDC Copeland 2-row malt Spring Medium late T Good Spring: 5 MS S MR
Commander 6-row feed Spring Medium late M/S Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3,4 S S S S S MS
Eight-Twelve 6-row feed Winter Medium M/S Fair Fall: 5 S S MS
Ishi 6-row feed Spring Medium late M/T Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3 MR MS R MS R MR
Maja 6-row feed Winter Medium M Fair Fall: 5 R S
Meltan 2-row feed Spring Late M/S Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3 MS R S S R S
Millennium 6-row feed Spring Early M Good Spring: 5 S MS S
Solar 6-row feed Spring Early T Good Late Fall: 2,3 S S
Steptoe 6-row feed Spring Early M/T Fair Spring: 5 S MS MS S MR S
Strider 6-row feed Winter Medium early M/S Fair Fall: 5 R MS MS MS
Tamalpais 6-row feed/food (hulless) Spring Medium M/S Good Late Fall: 1,2,3 MS R MR MR R MR
UC 603 6-row feed Spring Early M/S Excellent Late Fall: 1,2,3 MS MS MR S MR MR
UC 933 6-row feed Spring Medium early M Fair Late Fall: 1,2,3 R S R R MR MR
UC 960 6-row feed Spring Early S Excellent Spring: 5 R MR MR MR MR
UC 969 6-row feed Spring Early T Good Late Fall: 1,2,3 MS MR MR MR MR MR
WB-Champion 2-row feed Spring Medium M Fair Spring: 5 S
1Plant Height: T = tall; M = medium; S = short
2Growing Areas: 1 = Sacramento Valley and Delta; 2 = San Joaquin Valley; 3 = coastal; 4 = southern desert valleys; 5 = intermountain area
3Disease Reactions: R = resistant; MR = moderately resistant; MS = moderately susceptible; S = susceptible; — = no information
Text Updated: 11/11