Agriculture: Pomegranate Pest Management Guidelines

Most Effective Treatment Timings For Key Diseases

Note: Not all indicated timings may be necessary for disease control.

Disease Dormant Early-bloom Mid-bloom Late-bloom Preharvest Postharvest
Alternaria fruit rot 0 11 1 1 0 0
Gray mold
(botrytis fruit rot)
0 ND ND ND 12 3
Rating: 3 = most effective, 2 = moderately effective, 1 = least effective, and 0 = ineffective (ND = No data).
1 Pomegranates have a long, protracted bloom, thus apply when conditions are favorable for disease (i.e., wet conditions).
2 Preharvest treatments are highly variable in efficacy due to difficulty in fungicide coverage into the fruit "crown".

Adaskaveg et al., 2022. Fungicides, Bactericides, Biocontrols, and Natural Products for Deciduous Tree Fruit and Nut, Citrus, Strawberry, and Vine Crops in California.(PDF)

Text Updated: 03/22