Agriculture: Pear Pest Management Guidelines

Dormancy to Delayed-Dormancy

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of pear.

About Dormancy to delayed-dormancy

What should you be doing during this time?

Take beating tray samples for pear psylla adults.

Examine dormant spurs for

  • European red mite eggs
  • Pear rust mite and pearleaf blister mite
  • Pear psylla eggs if sampling in February

Manage if needed according to the Pear Pest Management Guidelines.

Also, note the presence of predatory mites.

Examine shoots for San Jose scale and pear scab lesions.

Look under bark for mealybugs.

Manage orchard floor vegetation:

  • North Coast: Eliminate weeds and ground cover before bloom in areas where frost and russeting are likely.
  • Delta: Mow resident vegetation or cover crop before bloom.

Monitor orchard temperatures and protect from frost, which can favor blossom blast.

Text Updated: 11/12