Agriculture: Nectarine Pest Management Guidelines

Fungicide Efficacy for Nectarine Diseases—Biocontrols and Natural Products

Trade name1 Biological or natural product
(FRAC group number)2
Brown rot2 PM3 Scab Rust Leaf curl Shot hole
    Blossom Fruit          
Botector Aureobasidium pullulans (BM 02) 2 2 NL (3) NL NL NL NL
Taegro 2** B. amyloliquefaciens FZB (BM 02) 2 1 3 NL NL NL NL
Serifel B. amyloliquefaciens MBI600 (BM 02) 2 1 3 NL NL NL 2
Sonata B. pumilis QST2808 (BM 02) 2 1 3 ND NL NL 2
Aviv B. subtilis IAB/BS03 (BM 02) 2 2 3 ND ND NL 2
Serenade B. subtilis QST 713 (BM 02) 2 1 2 ND NL NL 2
Double Nickel 55 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 (BM 02) 2 1 3 NL NL 2 2
Dart* capric and caprylic acids (BM 01) 3 2 NL (2) NL NL NL NL
Cinnacure cinnamaldehyde (BM 01) 2 1 NL NL NL NL NL
Procidic citric acid (BM 01) NL NL ND ND ND NL NL
EF400 clove, rosemary, peppermint oils (BM 01) NL NL 3 NL NL NL NL
Copper copper (M1) 1 1 1 2 2 4 4
ProBlad Verde* Lupinus albus (BM 01) 2 2 2 NL NL NL NL
Trilogy, Rango, Terraneem neem oil (BM 01) 1 1 2 ND 2 NL 1
Oxidate, Perasan peroxyacetic acid (oxidizer) 2 2 2 NL NL 1 1
Oso polyoxin-D (19) 3 3 3 ND NL NL NL (2)
Armicarb**, Milstop potassium bicarbonate (NC) NL NL 3 NL NL NL NL
Regalia Reynoutria sachalinensis (P 05, BM 01) 2 2 3 ND ND NL ND
Actinovate AG Streptomyces lydicus (BM 02) 1 1 2 NL NL ND NL
Sulfur sulfur (M2) 1 0 4 4 2 0 0
EcoSwing Swinglea glutinosa (BM 01) 2 2 3 NL NL NL NL
Rating: 5 = excellent and consistent, 4 = good and reliable, 3 = moderate and variable, 2 = limited and/or erratic, 1 = minimal and often ineffective, 0 = ineffective, NL = not on label, and ND = no data.
* Registration pending in California.
** Not registered, label withdrawn or inactive in California.
1 Alphabetically arranged by biological or natural product name.
FRAC groups are also provided as BM- or P-number groups. In general, sulfur compounds are fungicidal and may affect applications of fungal biocontrols (e.g., Botector); whereas copper may affect applications of bacterial biocontrols (e.g., Actinovate, Double Nickel 55, and Serenade). Rotations must consider these factors.
3 PM = powdery mildew.

Acknowledgment: Adaskaveg et al., 2022. Fungicides, Bactericides, Biocontrols, and Natural Products for Deciduous Tree Fruit and Nut, Citrus, Strawberry, and Vine Crops in California. (PDF)

Text Updated: 03/22