Agriculture: Eggplant Pest Management Guidelines

Citrus Peelminer

  • Marmara gulosa
  • Description of the Pest

    Adult moths deposit eggs on stems and fruit of citrus and neighboring crops such as eggplant. A small larva hatches from the egg and begins feeding on the skin of the fruit just below the egg shell. As the larva grows, it molts four to seven times and mines the stem or fruit creating a winding tunnel that grows wider as the larva gets larger. Just before pupation, the larva changes to a pink form with spinning mouthparts. The pink stage larva leaves the mine and spins a flat cocoon on a twig, leaf, or fruit. It decorates the cocoon with silk balls and then pupates. There is no overwintering stage; the insect continues development throughout the year, but the length of a generation is shorter during warm temperatures. There are 6-8 generations a year occurring at about monthly intervals from May to November.


    Larvae form mines on the surface of the fruit.


    Treatment for this pest is not generally recommended for eggplant. Damage to fruit is cosmetic and by the time it is noticed, it is too late to treat.

    Text Updated: 04/10