The cucurbit group is a large one that includes crops such as melons, cucumbers, squash, and pumpkins. Some varieties of each crop may be more susceptible to certain pests or pesticide injury than others. Therefore, not all of the chemicals listed in the treatment tables can be used on all varieties of cucurbit crops, especially melons. The comments in the treatment tables indicate which crops are listed or not listed on the label, but always read the label before applying a material to check for further restrictions. Also, check with local farm advisors or pest control advisors regarding any phytotoxicity problems associated with a specific crop and chemical combination. Local use permits may be available for certain materials in specific situations; contact your county agricultural commissioner regarding these permits.
These guidelines are written for field crop production and not for greenhouse production. Also, not all products that are registered are listed, especially pyrethroids for caterpillar control. While pyrethroids can effectively control these pests, they are also quite disruptive of beneficial insects and mites. Because there are many other insecticides that are equally effective at controlling these pest but not as destructive to beneficials, these products are listed instead of the pyrethroids.