Agriculture: Cherry Pest Management Guidelines

Monitoring Pests at Bloom

Begin checking weekly for caterpillars, black cherry aphids, thrips, and earwigs during bloom.

How to Monitor

Just before bloom:

  • Map out four quadrants of the orchard.

As soon as blossoms open, check each quadrant for:

  • Presence of earwigs
  • Presence of caterpillars:
    • Fruittree leafroller: leaf and bud chewing damage; webbed leaves; larvae.
    • Green fruitworm: large holes in leaves; larvae.
    • Obliquebanded leafroller: damaged blossoms; larvae.
    • Orange tortrix: damaged blossoms; larvae.
    • Western tussock moth: egg cases on leaves and twigs; larvae.
  • Presence of black cherry aphids: curling and distorted leaves.
  • Presence of western flower thrips: adults and nymphs.
  • Note natural enemy activities of the caterpillars and aphids.

Treatment Decisions

Black cherry aphid If natural enemies are not adequately controlling the population, apply a treatment shortly after petal fall, when aphids first appear according to the PMG.
European earwigs Treat at beginning of spring activity when earwigs are found according to the PMG.
Fruittree leafroller

Green fruitworm
When larval damage is evident in orchard, apply an insecticide at petal fall or shortly thereafter according to the PMG.
Obliquebanded leafroller (Central Valley)

Orange tortrix (coast)
Treat orchards that had large populations of larvae the previous summer or where the previous year's crop was infested according to the PMG.
Western flower thrips No thresholds; significance of damage is not known.
Western tussock moth (coast) Petal fall sprays to control other worm problems generally control this pest. Localized infestations can be pruned out and destroyed. This pest is cyclic and often controlled by parasitic wasps.

Important Links

Text Updated: 11/09