Agriculture: Celery Pest Management Guidelines

Other Virus Diseases

  • Other Virus Diseases: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
  • Symptoms and Signs

    Cucumber mosaic symptoms are similar to those of celery mosaic but in addition cause areas of sunken brown spots on the stalk. Symptoms of tomato spotted wilt appear on older leaves as yellow spots that turn brown. Large sections of stalks turn brown and eventually die; plants may be severely stunted. Tomato spotted wilt disease is most commonly found in the coastal celery-growing areas. Precise identification of the various celery viruses requires laboratory or greenhouse tests.

    Comments on the Disease

    These virus diseases occur sporadically and usually do not cause significant economic loss in California celery. Both viruses have extensive host ranges and are found in many agronomic, ornamental, and weed plants. Cucumber mosaic virus is vectored by aphids and Tomato spotted wilt virus is vectored by thrips.


    Cultural Control

    Avoid planting celery in areas having a history of virus problems. Young celery should not be planted near fields having crops infected with virus. Weed management should be practiced.

    Organically Acceptable Methods

    Cultural controls are acceptable for use on organically grown produce.

    Treatment Decisions

    There are no chemical controls for plant viruses. Insecticides will have little effect on vector transmission of the pathogens and are therefore not recommended.

    Text Updated: 06/08