Agriculture: Avocado Pest Management Guidelines

Vertebrate Monitoring

Look regularly in and around groves. You may see these vertebrate pests:

Look for vertebrate pests and their damage. Mark problem spots on a map of the grove, or in the grove using colored flagging, spray paint, or a hand-held GPS (global positioning system).

Prevent problems and assess management options

Keep out vertebrates, especially when trees are young.

  • Keep weeds away from trunks to reduce shelter for pests; weed control makes it easier to spot pest signs (such as burrow openings) and damage.
  • Install heavy wraps or tree guards to keep meadow mice and rabbits from bark gnawing; certain guards also protect trunks from sunburn.
  • Regularly inspect beneath tree wraps for pest damage.
  • Use fencing to exclude coyotes, dogs, and rabbits, and reduce fruit theft; a tall, well-maintained fence encircling trees is the only completely effective deer control. A cylinder mesh wire protects trees from rabbits.
  • Remove trash and debris, such as woodpiles near groves, which provide vertebrates shelter and can hide their signs, such as burrow openings.

Take steps to protect the environment and endangered species. Learn the restrictions on using materials and trapping by contacting the county agricultural commissioner and wildlife management officials.

Take direct control action if warranted, manage using appropriate methods.

Important links

Text Updated: 09/16