Agriculture: Avocado Pest Management Guidelines


How to test foliar nutrients

  • Sample and test leaf nutrients annually, during mid-August to October.
  • Collect the most recently expanded and matured leaves near terminals. This normally will be 5- to 7-month-old foliage that flushed during spring.
  • Compare laboratory test results to recommended nutrient levels.

How to fertilize

  • Fertilize if needed, generally during March to November.
  • Several nutrient sources are available.
  • Nitrogen is the most frequently applied crop nutrient.
  • Nutrients are commonly applied during irrigation, such as by chemigation or microinjection.
  • When calculating the amount of fertilizer to apply, consider other potential nutrient sources. For example, any nitrogen already present in irrigation water should be credited toward the fertilization rate.

Important links

Text Updated: 09/16