Description of the Pest
Neohydatothrips burungae was discovered in San Diego County in 2004. It has previously been reported throughout Central America. In Mexico it is relatively common on avocado and mango. Little is known about its biology.
Neohydatothrips burungae closely resembles avocado thrips. In comparison with avocado thrips, N. burungae often has darker brown shading on the thorax, darker abdominal stripes (brownish rings around the top front of each abdominal segment), and brown bands occur only on top of its abdomen, not underneath. However, coloration is variable and may not reliably distinguish these species. These thrips can be separated by differences in the position and size of setae (stout hairs) on their thorax and wings. For example, Neohydatothrips burungae has a continuous or complete row of short stout hairs on both midveins within its forewings. Avocado thrips has relatively few hairs along these midveins on its front wings; there are sizable gaps in both these rows of hairs on avocado thrips. Careful preparation of several specimens and a good microscope are needed to recognize these characters.
The importance of N. burungae in California is unknown.
No specific monitoring or management methods are recommended for N. burungae. Whether any management is warranted is unknown.