Symptoms and Signs
The disease caused by the artichoke curly dwarf virus results in plants that show significant reduction of growth and vigor and become severely stunted. Leaves are distorted and can have dark, necrotic spots and sections. Infected plants are less productive, having up to 40% less yield than healthy plants. Buds that are produced are deformed and hence unmarketable. Severely affected plant may die.
Comments on the Disease
The virus particle is filamentous and is possibly a member of the potexvirus group. A vector has not been identified for this virus. This pathogen is spread to new plantings when diseased plants are divided for propagation material. All plants that are infected with this virus are also found to be co-infected with a second virus (artichoke latent virus) that by itself apparently causes no disease symptoms in artichoke. Therefore, the exact etiology of artichoke curly dwarf disease is not known. In the field, only artichoke has been found to be a natural host of artichoke curly dwarf virus. Under experimental conditions, artichoke curly dwarf virus can also infect other plants in the Asteraceae family, such as cardoon, sunflower, and zinnia.
Rogue diseased plants. If propagating by crowns, use only disease-free stock. There is no evidence that artichoke curly dwarf virus is seedborne, so use of artichoke seed and resulting transplants may prevent the problem from occurring in new plantings.