Agriculture: Apricot Pest Management Guidelines

Pheromone Traps

In apricots, pheromone traps are used to monitor peach twig borer, peachtree borer, and obliquebanded leafroller. The traps are used to detect first moth emergence, establish a biofix (an identifiable point in the pest's life cycle at which degree-day accumulations are begun) and take a management action. For peachtree borers they are useful in detecting the presence of adults.


  • Place traps in each orchard for which you need to make pest management decisions.
  • Traps should be placed in orchards by the dates indicated in the table below.
  • Use at least two traps per block.
  • Distribute the traps uniformly throughout the orchard and use the same locations each year.
  • Place additional traps in areas where numbers are known to be high.
  • Hang traps 6 to 8 feet high (2–3 feet for peach tree borer), 1 to 3 feet inside the canopy in the north quadrant of the tree, in the shade, and at least five trees in from the edge of the orchard.
  • Check traps twice a week until the biofix is established; thereafter, check traps weekly.
  • Remove trapped insects from the trap after you count and record the trap catch data. (PDF)
  • Replace sticky trap bottoms monthly or when they become covered with debris and are no longer effective. A fine layer of dust may significantly reduce trap catches.
  • Follow manufacturer's recommendations for replacing pheromone dispensers.
  • Store pheromone dispenser in a refrigerator or freezer.
Pest Where and when Importance
Obliquebanded leafroller Where a problem—early fruit set
(April 15)
Detect moth emergence to start degree-day accumulation.
Peach twig borer Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley—March 20

Sacramento Valley—April 1
Detect moth emergence to start degree-day accumulation.
Peachtree borer No later than April (and maintain through September) Detect male presence to time insectide sprays.

Important Links

Text Updated: 10/14