(Echinochloa crus-galli): Grass family; perennial; first
leaves with somewhat rough surface; ligule surrounded by
ring of
hairs with tuft of long hairs on either side; auricles absent;
stem flat, wiry, and without hairs.
Common lambsquarters
(Chenopodium album): Goosefoot family; summer annual; seed leaves are
narrow, with nearly parallel sides; seed leaves and early true leaves dull blue-green
above and often purple below.
Yellow foxtail
(Setaria pumila): Grass family; summer
annual; first blade linear, roughly 7 times longer than
wide and opens almost parallel to ground; leaves rolled
in bud; ligule—fringe of hairs; no auricles; no hairs
on leaf-sheath margin below collar; leaf blades of young
seedlings smooth on lower surface, with long hairs on basal
area of upper surface; margins smooth or slightly rough.
(Centaurea solstitialis): Aster family; winter annual; seedlings are dull green;
seed leaves are oblong, round at the tip, with smooth edges; first true leaves
are longer and narrower with short, white hairs on the upper surface.