Agriculture: Alfalfa Pest Management Guidelines

Other Pests in Summer

The pests pictured below may be problematic in alfalfa, but vary greatly in importance from area to area and season to season. Compare the photos with insects and mites you find in your fields. Names link to more information on identification and management.

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Blister beetles
Blister beetles
Blister beetles are narrow and elongate. Their wing coverings are soft and flexible and may be solid black or gray, or striped (orange or yellow and black).

Grasshoppers have robust bodies. Their hind legs have greatly enlarged femurs, and their antennae are relatively short; most are winged.

Lygus bug
Vary in color from pale green to yellowish brown with reddish-brown to black markings, and have a conspicuous triangle in the center of the back.

Photo not available.
Mormon crickets
Adults are about 1 inch long, heavy-bodied, and tan colored.

Spider mites
Feeding by spider mites causes tiny white spots over leaf surface.

Text Updated: 11/06