Agriculture: Cucurbits Pest Management Guidelines

False Chinch Bug

  • Nysius raphanus
  • Description of the Pest

    The false chinch bug is a small, light or dark gray species, 0.12 to 0.16 inch long. The nymphs are pale gray with a reddish brown abdomen that matches the color of dry weeds and soil. This species normally breeds and feeds in native grasslands where it multiplies in countless numbers.


    False chinch bugs attack crop plants when mass ground migration begins in late spring as foothills and grassy weed areas dry. Migration occurs during cool parts of day.


    Monitor areas adjacent to the field and treat migrating populations before they enter into the crop, if possible. Some control can be achieved by burning over or cultivating the adjoining grasslands and pastures. Frequent cultivation of the infested areas when the nymphs are swarming over the ground, as well as flooding or otherwise thorough irrigation are optional practices. Otherwise, treat field borders to stop further field migration and damage. Complete crop treatment is usually not necessary if potential problems are detected early.

    Common name Amount per acre REI‡ PHI‡
    (Example trade name) (hours) (days)
    Not all registered pesticides are listed. The following are ranked with the pesticides having the greatest IPM value listed first—the most effective and least harmful to natural enemies, honey bees, and the environment are at the top of the table. When choosing a pesticide, consider information relating to air and water quality, resistance management, and the pesticide's properties and application timing. Always read the label of the product being used.
      (Asana XL) 5.8–9.6 0z 12 3
      (PyGanic EC 1.4)# 16–64 oz 12 0
      COMMENTS: Buffer final spray to a pH of 5.5 to 7.0.
    Restricted entry interval (REI) is the number of hours (unless otherwise noted) from treatment until the treated area can be safely entered without protective clothing. Preharvest interval (PHI) is the number of days from treatment to harvest. In some cases the REI exceeds the PHI. The longer of two intervals is the minimum time that must elapse before harvest.
    #Acceptable for use on organically grown produce.
    * Permit required from county agricultural commissioner for purchase or use.
    1 Rotate chemicals with a different mode-of-action group number, and do not use products with the same mode-of-action group number more than twice per season to help prevent the development of resistance. For example, the organophosphates have a group number of 1B; chemicals with a 1B group number should be alternated with chemicals that have a group number other than 1B. Mode-of-action group numbers are assigned by IRAC (Insecticide Resistance Action Committee).
    Text Updated: 05/16
    Treatment Table Updated: 05/16