Agriculture: Cotton Pest Management Guidelines


  • Limonius spp.
  • Description of the Pest

    Wireworms are the soil-dwelling larvae of click beetles. They resemble mealworms and are slender, elongate, yellowish to brown with smooth, tough skin. The body is usually cylindrical, but flat on the lower side. There are six short legs close together near the head, and the tip of the abdomen bears a flattened plate with a pair of short hooks.


    Wireworms destroy germinating seeds and tiny seedlings. Often the wireworm will be found near the damaged or missing seed or plant. Even if the damage does not completely destroy the plant, the feeding wounds may predispose the plant to seedling diseases.


    Wireworms may be a problem following an alfalfa rotation or in fields that were previously pastures. Cultivating, flooding, and dry fallowing can help reduce wireworm numbers.

    Text Updated: 09/15