Agriculture: Cherry Pest Management Guidelines

Prune Dwarf

  • Prune dwarf virus
  • Symptoms and Signs

    On cherry trees, leaves that develop from buds infected by Prune dwarf virus are narrower than normal and have a rough texture.

    Comments on the Disease

    Prune dwarf virus is transmitted via budding and grafting with infected wood and possibly by thrips that feed on infected pollen deposited by bees.


    Prune dwarf is usually kept under control through the use of certified nursery stock and the removal of any trees that develop symptoms. In nurseries and scion block orchards, use virus-free rootstock and scion wood, and monitor trees carefully for virus symptoms. Immediately remove and destroy diseased trees. In young fruit orchards, remove and replace symptomatic trees if they are less than 10 years old. If trees are older than that, replacement usually is not cost effective. You can eliminate the spread of the disease from tree to tree through clean cultivation, and greatly reduce its spread by keeping orchard weeds and ground covers from flowering until after the trees have bloomed.

    Text Updated: 11/09