Integrated Pest Management · Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Diseases of ornamental trees and shrubs
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The table below lists plant host, disease common name, scientific name, and disease type for pests included in this Web site. Click on the common name to link to more information about the disease. Click on a table heading to sort the column. (requires Javascript)
To see a list of common pests and disorders of a particular plant, view the Trees & shrubs menu pages.
= Descending
= Unsorted
Plant or crop host | Common name | Scientific name | Type |
ash | Anthracnose | Discula fraxinea | Fungus |
ash | Ash dieback | Botryosphaeria stevensii | Fungus |
aspen | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
aspen | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
boxwood | Pseudonectria canker (Volutella canker and blight) | Pseudonectria rousseliana | Fungus |
boxwood | Volutella canker and blight (Pseudonectria canker) | Pseudonectria rousseliana | Fungus |
buckthorn | Branch and twig dieback | various | Fungus |
california hazel | Eastern filbert blight | Anisogramma anomala | Fungus |
camellia | Camellia petal and flower blight | Ciborinia camelliae | Fungus |
coffeeberry | Branch and twig dieback | various | Fungus |
conifers | Annosus root disease | Fomes annosus | Fungus |
conifers | Annosus root disease | Heterobasidion annosum | Fungus |
conifers | Needle cast fungi | various | Fungus |
cottonwood | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
cottonwood | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
crape myrtle | Powdery mildew | Erysiphe lagerstroemiae | Fungus |
cryptomeria | Cryptomeria blight | Pestalotiopsis funerea | Fungus |
dogwood | Anthracnose | Elsinoe corni | Fungus |
douglas fir | Bacterial gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Bacteria |
elm | Alcoholic flux (Foamy canker) | none | Unknown |
elm | Dutch elm disease | Ophiostoma ulmi | Fungus |
elm | Foamy canker (alcoholic flux) | none | Unknown |
filbert | Eastern filbert blight | Anisogramma anomala | Fungus |
forsythia | Stem gall | Phomopsis spp. | Fungus |
hackberry | Escallonia dieback | none | Unknown |
hazlenut | Eastern filbert blight | Anisogramma anomala | Fungus |
hemlock | Twig blights | Kabatina juniperi | Fungus |
juniper | Twig blights | Phomopsis juniperovora | Fungus |
laurel | Coryneum blight (Shot hole disease) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
laurel | Shot hole disease (Coryneum blight) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
live oak | Drippy acorns (Drippy oak) | Erwinia quercina | Bacteria |
live oak | Drippy oak (Drippy acorns) | Erwinia quercina | Bacteria |
london plane tree | Canker stain (Ceratocystis canker) | Ceratocystis fimbriata | Fungus |
london plane tree | Ceratocystis canker (Canker stain) | Ceratocystis fimbriata | Fungus |
oak | Alcoholic flux (Foamy canker) | none | Unknown |
oak | Anthracnose | Gloesporium quercum | Fungus |
oak | Foamy canker (alcoholic flux) | none | Unknown |
oak | Oak branch dieback | Diplodia quercina | Fungus |
oak | Oak twig blight | Cryptocline cinerescens | Fungus |
oleander | Oleander knot | Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. Nerii | Bacteria |
oleander | Oleander leaf scorch | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
olive tree | Olive knot | Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. Savastanoi | Bacteria |
palm tree | Palm diseases | various | Fungus |
pine | Pitch canker | Fusarium circinatum | Fungus |
poplar | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
poplar | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
redberry | Branch and twig dieback | various | Fungus |
rhamnus | Branch and twig dieback | various | Fungus |
rose | Anthracnose | Sphaceloma rosarum | Fungus |
rose | Black spot | Diplocarpon rosae | Fungus |
rose | Botrytis blight | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
rose | Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Bacteria |
rose | Downy mildew | Peronospora sparsa | Oomycete |
rose | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera pannosa | Fungus |
rose | Rust | Phragmidium mucronatum | Fungus |
rose | Viruses | various | Virus |
sweet gum/liquidambar | Alcoholic flux (Foamy canker) | none | Unknown |
sweet gum/liquidambar | Foamy canker (alcoholic flux) | none | Unknown |
sycamore | Anthracnose | Apiognomonia veneta | Fungus |
sycamore | Canker stain (Ceratocystis canker) | Ceratocystis fimbriata | Fungus |
sycamore | Ceratocystis canker (Canker stain) | Ceratocystis fimbriata | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Anthracnose | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Artist's conk | Ganoderma applanatum | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Bacterial blight | Pseudomonas syringae | Bacteria |
various trees and shrubs | Botrytis blight (Gray mold) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Canker diseases | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Collar, foot, root, and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
various trees and shrubs | Common split gill | Schizophyllum commune | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Bacteria |
various trees and shrubs | Damping off diseases | Pythium spp. | Oomycete |
various trees and shrubs | Damping off diseases | Rhizoctonia spp. | Oomycete |
various trees and shrubs | Dematophora root rot (Rosellinia root rot) | Dematophora necatrix | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Dematophora root rot (Rosellinia root rot) | Rosellinia necatrix | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Entomosporium leaf spot | Entomosporium spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Fusarium wilt | Fusarium oxysporum | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Gray mold (Botrytis blight) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Hairy root | Agrobacterium rhizogenes | Bacteria |
various trees and shrubs | Hairy turkey tail | Trametes hirsuta | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Leaf gall | Exobasidium spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Leaf spot diseases | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Leaf spot, Entomosporium | Entomosporium spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Leaf spot, Septoria | Septoria spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Needle blight | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Oak leaf blister (Taphrina leaf curl) | Taphrina spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Oyster mushroom | Pleurotus ostreatus | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Parchment fungus | Stereum spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Powdery mildew | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Rosellinia root rot (Dematophora root rot ) | Dematophora necatrix | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Rosellinia root rot (Dematophora root rot ) | Rosellinia necatrix | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Rust | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Scab | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Septoria leaf spot | Septoria spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Sooty mold | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Stem cankers and dieback | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Sudden oak death | Phytophthora ramorum | Oomycete |
various trees and shrubs | Sulfur fungus | Laetiporus sulphureus | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Taphrina leaf curl (Oak leaf blister) | Taphrina spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Turkey tail | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium spp. | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Viruses | none | Virus |
various trees and shrubs | Wetwood or slime flux | various | Bacteria |
various trees and shrubs | Witches' broom | various | Fungus |
various trees and shrubs | Wood decay (general) | various | Fungus |