Integrated Pest Management · Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Diseases of fruiting trees, shrubs and vines
The table below lists plant host, disease common name, scientific name, and disease type for pests included in this Web site. Click on the common name to link to more information about the disease. Click on a table heading to sort the column. (requires Javascript)
To see a list of common pests and disorders of a particular plant, view the Fruit trees menu pages.
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= Unsorted
Plant or crop host | Common name | Scientific name | Type |
almond | Almond leaf scorch (Bacterial leaf scorch) | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
almond | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
almond | Bacterial canker | Pseudomonas syringae | Bacteria |
almond | Bacterial leaf scorch (almond leaf scorch) | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
almond | Brown rot | Monilinia spp. | Fungus |
almond | Coryneum blight (Shot hole disease) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
almond | Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Bacteria |
almond | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
almond | Phytophthora root and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
almond | Scab | Cladosporium (syn. Fusicladium) carpophilum | Fungus |
almond | Scab | Fusicladium (syn. Cladosporium) carpophilum | Fungus |
almond | Shot hole disease (Coryneum blight) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
almond | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Fungus |
apple | Apple mosaic | Ilarvirus | Virus |
apple | Apple scab | Venturia inaequalis | Fungus |
apple | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
apple | Bacterial blossom blast | Pseudomonas syringae | Bacteria |
apple | European canker (Necria canker) | Nectria galligena | Fungus |
apple | Fire blight | Erwinia amylovora | Bacteria |
apple | Necria canker (European canker) | Nectria galligena | Fungus |
apple | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
apple | Papery bark (Sappy bark) | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
apple | Phytophthora root and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
apple | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera leucotricha | Fungus |
apple | Sappy bark (Papery bark) | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
apple | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
apricot | Bacterial canker and blast | Pseudomonas syringae | Bacteria |
apricot | Coryneum blight (Shot hole disease) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
apricot | Eutypa dieback | Eutypa lata | Fungus |
apricot | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera tridactyla | Fungus |
apricot | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca pannosa | Fungus |
apricot | Shot hole disease (Coryneum blight) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
avocado | Avocado root rot | Phytophthora cinnamomi | Oomycete |
avocado | Bacterial canker | Xanthomonas campestris | Bacteria |
avocado | Dothiorella canker | Botryosphaeria spp. | Fungus |
avocado | Dothiorella canker | Neofusicoccum spp. | Fungus |
avocado | Phytophthora root and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
avocado | Sunblotch | none | Virus |
avocado | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Fungus |
caneberry | Anthracnose | Elsinoe spp. | Fungus |
caneberry | Armillaria root rot | Armillaria spp. | Fungus |
caneberry | Botrytis fruit rot (Gray mold) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
caneberry | Crown gall | Agrobacterium spp. | Bacteria |
caneberry | Downy mildew | Peronospora sparsa | Oomycete |
caneberry | Gray mold (Botrytis fruit rot) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
caneberry | Leaf spot | Mycosphaerella rubi | Fungus |
caneberry | Orange rust | Arthuriomyces peckianus | Fungus |
caneberry | Orange rust | Gymnoconia nitens | Fungus |
caneberry | Phytophthora root rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
caneberry | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca macularis | Fungus |
caneberry | Purple blotch | Septocyta ruborum | Fungus |
caneberry | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Fungus |
caneberry | Viruses | none | Virus |
caneberry | Yellow rust | Phragmidium rubi-idaei | Fungus |
cherry | Almond leaf scorch (Bacterial leaf scorch) | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
cherry | Bacterial leaf scorch (almond leaf scorch) | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
cherry | Cherry buckskin (X-disease) | none | Phytoplasma |
cherry | Cherry leaf spot | Blumeriella jaapii | Fungus |
cherry | Hairy turkey tail | Trametes hirsuta | Fungus |
cherry | Leaf spot, Cherry | Blumeriella jaapii | Fungus |
cherry | Parchment fungus | Stereum spp. | Fungus |
cherry | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera clandestina | Fungus |
cherry | Sulfur fungus | Laetiporus sulphureus | Fungus |
cherry | Turkey tail | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
cherry | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
cherry | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium spp. | Fungus |
cherry | Viruses | none | Virus |
cherry | X-disease (Cherry buckskin) | none | Phytoplasma |
citrus | Alternaria rot | Alternaria citri | Fungus |
citrus | Anthracnose | Collectotrichum gloeosporioides | Fungus |
citrus | Anthracnose | Glomerella cingulata | Fungus |
citrus | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
citrus | Artist's conk | Ganoderma applanatum | Fungus |
citrus | Brown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Fungus |
citrus | Citrus blast | Pseudomonas syringae | Fungus |
citrus | Citrus greening (Huanglongbing disease) | Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus | Bacteria |
citrus | Exocortis | Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) | Viroid |
citrus | Hairy turkey tail | Trametes hirsuta | Fungus |
citrus | Huanglongbing disease (Citrus greening) | Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus | Bacteria |
citrus | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
citrus | Phytophthora gummosis | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
citrus | Phytophthora root rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
citrus | Tristeza disease complex | Tristeza virus | Virus |
citrus | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
fig | Fig mosaic | none | Virus |
fig | Phomopsis canker | Phomopsis spp. | Fungus |
fig | Souring | none | Yeast |
grape | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
grape | Bunch rot (Gray mold) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
grape | Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens | Bacteria |
grape | Downy mildew | Plasmopara viticola | Oomycete |
grape | Eutypa dieback | Eutypa lata | Fungus |
grape | Gray mold (Bunch rot) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
grape | Leaf spot and Phomopsis cane | Phomopsis viticola | Fungus |
grape | Measles | Phaeoacremonium spp. | Fungus |
grape | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
grape | Phomopsis cane and leaf spot | Phomopsis viticola | Fungus |
grape | Phytophthora crown and root rot | Phytophthora megasperma | Oomycete |
grape | Pierce's disease | Xylella fastidiosa | Bacteria |
grape | Powdery mildew | Erysiphe necator | Fungus |
grape | Viruses | various | Virus |
nectarine | Coryneum blight (Shot hole disease) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
nectarine | Peach leaf curl | Taphrina deformans | Fungus |
nectarine | Peach leaf curl | Taphrina deformans | Fungus |
nectarine | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera leucotricha | Fungus |
nectarine | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca pannosa | Fungus |
nectarine | Rust | Tranzschelia discolor | Fungus |
nectarine | Scab | Cladosporium (syn. Fusicladium) carpophilum | Fungus |
nectarine | Scab | Fusicladium (syn. Cladosporium) carpophilum | Fungus |
nectarine | Shot hole disease (Coryneum blight) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
nectarine | Turkey tail | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
olive | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
peach | Coryneum blight (Shot hole disease) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
peach | Peach leaf curl | Taphrina deformans | Fungus |
peach | Peach leaf curl | Taphrina deformans | Fungus |
peach | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera leucotricha | Fungus |
peach | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca pannosa | Fungus |
peach | Rust | Tranzschelia discolor | Fungus |
peach | Scab | Cladosporium (syn. Fusicladium) carpophilum | Fungus |
peach | Scab | Fusicladium (syn. Cladosporium) carpophilum | Fungus |
peach | Shot hole disease (Coryneum blight) | Wilsonomyces carpophilus | Fungus |
peach | Varnish fungus rot | Ganoderma lucidum | Fungus |
pear | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
pear | European canker (Necria canker) | Nectria galligena | Fungus |
pear | Fire blight | Erwinia amylovora | Bacteria |
pear | Necria canker (European canker) | Nectria galligena | Fungus |
pear | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
pear | Pear decline | na | Phytoplasma |
pear | Pear rust | Gymnosporangium libocedri | Fungus |
pear | Pear scab | Venturia pirina | Fungus |
plum | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera tridactyla | Fungus |
plum | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca pannosa | Fungus |
prune | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera tridactyla | Fungus |
quince | Powdery mildew | Podosphaera leucotricha | Fungus |
stone fruit | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
stone fruit | Brown rot | Monilinia spp. | Fungus |
stone fruit | Cytospora canker | Cytospora spp. | Fungus |
stone fruit | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
stone fruit | Phytophthora root and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
strawberry | Angular leaf spot | Xanthamonas fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Black root rot | various | Fungus |
strawberry | Botrytis rot (gray mold) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
strawberry | Common leaf spot | Mycosphaerella fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Common leaf spot | Ramularia tulasnei | Fungus |
strawberry | Gray mold (Botrytis rot) | Botrytis cinerea | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf blotch | Gnomonia fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf blotch | Zythia fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf scorch | Diplocarpon earlianum | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf spot | various | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf spot, Angular | Xanthamonas fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf spot, Common | Mycosphaerella fragariae | Fungus |
strawberry | Leaf spot, Common | Ramularia tulasnei | Fungus |
strawberry | Leak (Rhizopus rot) | Rhizopus spp. | Fungus |
strawberry | Phomopsis leaf blight | Phomopsis obscurans | Fungus |
strawberry | Phytophthora root and crown rot (Red Stele) | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
strawberry | Powdery mildew | Sphaerotheca macularis | Fungus |
strawberry | Red Stele (Phytophthora root and crown rot) | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
strawberry | Rhizopus rot (Leak) | Rhizopus spp. | Fungus |
strawberry | Verticillium wilt | Verticillium dahliae | Fungus |
strawberry | Viruses | none | Virus |
various fruits and nuts | Alcoholic flux (Foamy canker) | na | Unknown |
various fruits and nuts | Bacterial blight | Pseudomonas syringae | Bacteria |
various fruits and nuts | Foamy canker (alcoholic flux) | na | Unknown |
various fruits and nuts | Hairy root | Agrobacterium rhizogenes | Bacteria |
various fruits and nuts | Sooty mold | various | Fungus |
various fruits and nuts | Wood decay (general) | various | Fungus |
walnut | Anthracnose | Gnomonia leptostyla | Fungus |
walnut | Armillaria root rot (Oak root fungus) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
walnut | Blackline | cherry leaf roll virus | Virus |
walnut | Branch wilt | Hendersonula tortuloidea | Fungus |
walnut | Common split gill | Schizophyllum commune | Fungus |
walnut | Deep bark canker | Erwinia rubrifaciens | Bacteria |
walnut | Hairy turkey tail | Trametes hirsuta | Fungus |
walnut | Oak root fungus (Armillaria root rot) | Armillaria mellea | Fungus |
walnut | Oyster mushroom | Pleurotus ostreatus | Fungus |
walnut | Phytophthora root and crown rot | Phytophthora spp. | Oomycete |
walnut | Shallow bark canker | Erwinia nigrifluens | Bacteria |
walnut | Sulfur fungus | Laetiporus sulphureus | Fungus |
walnut | Turkey tail | Trametes versicolor | Fungus |
walnut | Walnut blight | Xanthamonas campestris | Bacteria |